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Data > Datasource Adapters

Custom Datasource Adapter

For datasources that AMI does not natively support, you may use the custom datasource adapter functionality provided to create your own adapter.


You can build your own datasource adapter for any datasource that we do not support out of the box.

There are two parts to building a custom datasource adapter:

  1. A datasource plugin that is responsible for configuring the user interface in GUI.
  2. A datasource adapter that handles the data.

Each adapter can optionally support the following functionality:

  • Providing a list of available tables
  • Providing for a sample of data for a given table
  • Running a query (Downloading data into AMI)
  • Uploading data from AMI into the datasource


You will need to set up a custom plugin project following the general instructions here.

For a datsource adapter, you will need to write both the plugin and the adapter to provide the GUI component in AMI.

Java Interface





Java Code:

package com.demo;

import java.util.Map;

import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiDatasourceAdapter;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiDatasourcePlugin;
import com.f1.container.ContainerTools;
import com.f1.utils.CH;
import com.f1.utils.PropertyController;

public class TestDatasourcePlugin implements AmiDatasourcePlugin {
    private static final Map<String, Object> OPERATORS_MAP = CH.m(AmiDatasourcePlugin.OPERATOR_KEY_EQUAL_TO, "=", AmiDatasourcePlugin.OPERATOR_KEY_NOT_EQUAL_TO, "!=",
            AmiDatasourcePlugin.OPERATOR_KEY_LESS_THAN, "<", AmiDatasourcePlugin.OPERATOR_KEY_GREATER_THAN, ">", AmiDatasourcePlugin.OPERATOR_KEY_LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, "<=",
            AmiDatasourcePlugin.OPERATOR_KEY_GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO, ">=");
    private static final Map<String, Object> WHERE_SYNTAX_MAP = CH.m(AmiDatasourcePlugin.WHERE_SYNTAX_PREFIX, "((", AmiDatasourcePlugin.WHERE_SYNTAX_JOIN, ") or (",
            AmiDatasourcePlugin.WHERE_SYNTAX_SUFFIX, "))", AmiDatasourcePlugin.WHERE_SYNTAX_TRUE, "true", AmiDatasourcePlugin.WHERE_SYNTAX_FALSE, "false");
    private static final Map<String, Object> HELP_MAP = CH.m(AmiDatasourcePlugin.HELP_URL, "sample url help", AmiDatasourcePlugin.HELP_GENERAL, "sample general help");

    private static final Map<String, String> OPTIONS_MAP = AmiSampleDatasourceAdapter.buildOptions();

    public void init(ContainerTools tools, PropertyController props) {

    public String getPluginId() {
        return "SAMPLE";

    public String getDatasourceDescription() {
        return "Sample";

    public AmiDatasourceAdapter createDatasourceAdapter() {
        return new AmiSampleDatasourceAdapter();

    public String getDatasourceIcon() {
        return null;

    public String getDatasourceQuoteType() {
        return "\"";

    public Map<String, Object> getDatasourceOperators() {
        return OPERATORS_MAP;

    public Map<String, Object> getDatasourceWhereClauseSyntax() {
        return WHERE_SYNTAX_MAP;

    public Map<String, Object> getDatasourceHelp() {
        return HELP_MAP;

    public Map<String, String> getAvailableOptions() {
        return OPTIONS_MAP;

package com.demo;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiDatasourceAdapter;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiDatasourceException;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiDatasourceTracker;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiServiceLocator;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiUtils;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.msg.AmiCenterQuery;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.msg.AmiCenterQueryResult;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.msg.AmiCenterUpload;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.msg.AmiDatasourceColumn;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.msg.AmiDatasourceTable;
import com.f1.base.Table;
import com.f1.container.ContainerTools;
import com.f1.utils.structs.table.BasicTable;
import com.f1.utils.structs.table.derived.TimeoutController;

public class TestDatasourceAdapter implements AmiDatasourceAdapter {

    public static Map<String, String> buildOptions() {
        return new HashMap<String, String>();

    private AmiServiceLocator serviceLocator;
    private ContainerTools tools;

    public void init(ContainerTools tools, AmiServiceLocator serviceLocator) throws AmiDatasourceException {
        this.serviceLocator = serviceLocator; = tools;

    public List<AmiDatasourceTable> getTables(AmiDatasourceTracker debugSink, TimeoutController tc) throws AmiDatasourceException {
        List<AmiDatasourceTable> r = new ArrayList<AmiDatasourceTable>(1);
        AmiDatasourceTable sample = tools.nw(AmiDatasourceTable.class);

        String url = serviceLocator.getUrl();
        char[] pass = serviceLocator.getPassword();
        String user = serviceLocator.getUsername();
        //normally, you'd connect to underlying store at this point and query for the schema.

        //for each table in the schema {
        String defaultQueryForTable = "SELECT * FROM " + sample.getName() + " WHERE ${WHERE}";

        return r;

    public List<AmiDatasourceTable> getPreviewData(List<AmiDatasourceTable> tables, int previewCount, AmiDatasourceTracker debugSink, TimeoutController tc)
            throws AmiDatasourceException {
        String url = serviceLocator.getUrl();
        char[] pass = serviceLocator.getPassword();
        String user = serviceLocator.getUsername();
        //normally, you'd connect to underlying store at this point and query for the schema.

        //for each table in the schema
        for (int i = 0; i < tables.size(); i++) {
            AmiDatasourceTable table = tables.get(i);

            List<AmiDatasourceColumn> columns = new ArrayList<AmiDatasourceColumn>();
            columns.add(newCol(String.class, "SampleName"));
            columns.add(newCol(Long.class, "SampleLong"));
            columns.add(newCol(Integer.class, "SampleInt"));
            columns.add(newCol(Double.class, "SampleDouble"));
            columns.add(newCol(Float.class, "SampleFloat"));
            columns.add(newCol(Boolean.class, "SampleBoolean"));
        return tables;

    private AmiDatasourceColumn newCol(Class<?> clazz, String name) {
        AmiDatasourceColumn col = tools.nw(AmiDatasourceColumn.class);
        col.setType(AmiUtils.getTypeForClass(clazz, AmiDatasourceColumn.TYPE_UNKNOWN));
        return col;
    public String getName() {
        return this.serviceLocator.getTargetName();

    //The paradigm for the query is a collection of well defined tables in and a collection of uniquely named tables out.
    public void processQuery(AmiCenterQuery query, AmiCenterQueryResult resultSink, AmiDatasourceTracker debugSink, TimeoutController tc) throws AmiDatasourceException {
        System.out.println("AmiSampleDatasource: " + query);

        String url = serviceLocator.getUrl();
        char[] pass = serviceLocator.getPassword();
        String user = serviceLocator.getUsername();
        //normally, you'd connect to underlying store at this point. and store that connection in a member variable to support the cancelQuery() call

        //extract the input query and related fields from the well-known schema

        final List<Table> response = new ArrayList<Table>();
        String select = query.getQuery();

        //build the query
        System.out.println("AmiSampleDatasource: Running Sample Query:\n " + query);

        debugSink.onQuery(select);//useful for end users running in debug/test mode, so they can see the raw query (and time) it was run

        //build the responding table 
        final BasicTable responseTable = new BasicTable();
        //          responseTable.setTitle(query.getResponseTableName());
        responseTable.addColumn(String.class, "SampleName");
        responseTable.addColumn(Long.class, "SampleLong");
        responseTable.addColumn(Double.class, "SampleDouble");
        responseTable.addColumn(Boolean.class, "SampleBoolean");

        //add the rows of data to the table, normally this would be a for look, while looking, make sure you don't exceed limit argument
        responseTable.getRows().addRow("Fred", 40L, 32.4d, true);

        debugSink.onQueryResult(select, responseTable);//useful for users running in debug/test mode. So they can see the raw response
    public boolean cancelQuery() {
        //Called from another thread if user clicks the infamous cancel button (should close connections at this point)
        return false;

    public void processUpload(AmiCenterUpload upload, AmiCenterQueryResult results, AmiDatasourceTracker tracker) throws AmiDatasourceException {
        throw new AmiDatasourceException(AmiDatasourceException.UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_ERROR, "Upload to datasource");
    public AmiServiceLocator getServiceLocator() {
        return this.serviceLocator;


