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TablePanelColumn var = .... ;


Extended By



Represents a column within a TablePanel object. It can accessed using tabelPanel.getColumn(colName).

Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
TablePanelColumn autosize() Boolean Autosizes this column. Returns true if operation is successful, false otherwise.
DashboardResource getCallback(callbackName) Callback Returns a callback by name
DashboardResource getCallbacks() Map Returns a map of all callback definitions.
DashboardResource getChildren() List Returns a list of the child dashboard resources.
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
TablePanelColumn getCssClass() String Returns the css class associated with this column.
DashboardResource getDRI() String Returns the Dashboard Resource Indicator (DRI) as a string. DRI is the unique identifier of this resources within the entire dashboard.
DashboardResource getDashboardResourceType() String Returns the Dashboard Resource Type as a string
TablePanelColumn getDescription() String Returns the description of the column.
TablePanelColumn getDisplayFormula() String Returns the display formula of the column.
TablePanelColumn getEditType() String Returns the edit type of the column.
TablePanelColumn getFilter() TablePanelColumnFilter Returns the filter of this column.
DashboardResource getFormula(formulaName) Formula Returns a Formula given the formula name.
DashboardResource getFormulaNames() Set Returns a set of the names of all formulas for this object.
DashboardResource getFormulas() Map Returns a map of all available formulas for this object. The key is the formula name.
TablePanelColumn getHeaderStyle() String Returns the style associated with the column header.
TablePanelColumn getId() String Returns the column id (i.e. col_1, col_2 etc.)
DashboardResource getLRI() String Returns the Localized Resource Indicator (LRI) as a string. LRI is the unique identifier of this resource with the parent element.
DashboardResource getOwner() DashboardResource Returns the DashboardResource that owns this object.
TablePanelColumn getTitle() String Returns the title of the column.
TablePanelColumn getType() String Returns the column type.
TablePanelColumn getWidth() Integer Returns the width of the column.
TablePanelColumn hideColumn() Object Hides the target column from the table.
DashboardResource invokeCallback(callbackName, args) Object Executes the specified callback definition and returns the result from the callback.
TablePanelColumn isClickable() Boolean Returns true if column is clickable, false otherwise. Note: clickable is usually set to true to make use of the onCellClicked callback.
TablePanelColumn isEditable() Boolean Returns true if the column is editable. Returns false otherwise.
TablePanelColumn isOneClick() Boolean Returns true if column's One Click option is set to to true, false otherwise. Note: with One Click set to true, the onCellClicked callback will fire by clicking the cell once. With Clickable set to true, user needs two clicks to fire the callback: one to select, one to fire.
TablePanelColumn isTransient() Boolean Returns true if column is transient, false otherwise.
TablePanelColumn isVisible() Boolean Returns true if target column is visible in the table, false otherwise.
TablePanelColumn setClickable(Clickable) Boolean Sets the column to clickable if true is passed. If false is passed it is not clickable.
TablePanelColumn setFilter(values) Object Sets the filter for this column.
TablePanelColumn setFilter(isKeep, isPattern, a list of strings) Boolean Sets/Clears the filter for this column with the given options and the supplied values as a list. Clears the filter if the list is empty. If the list contains null, the method will consider null values when filtering.
TablePanelColumn setFilter(a list of strings, isKeep, isPattern, isIncludeNull, maxVal, isMaxValInclusive, minVal, isMinValInclusive) Boolean Sets the filter with the supplied list of values and filtering options.
TablePanelColumn setHeaderStyle(header style) Boolean Sets the header style of the column with the given style. Can be center, right, left, etc.
TablePanelColumn setTitle(title) Boolean Sets the column title with the given name.
TablePanelColumn setToEditable(editId, editType) Boolean Sets the column to editable. This also includes transient columns. Options are Text, Readonly, Numeric, Checkbox, and Masked
TablePanelColumn setWidth(columnWidth) Object Sets the width of the column.
TablePanelColumn showColumn() Object Shows the target column at the end of the table.
Object toJson() String Returns a json representation of this object.

Method Definitions


Boolean TablePanelColumn::autosize()


Autosizes this column. Returns true if operation is successful, false otherwise.


String TablePanelColumn::getCssClass()


Returns the css class associated with this column.


String TablePanelColumn::getDescription()


Returns the description of the column.


String TablePanelColumn::getDisplayFormula()


Returns the display formula of the column.


String TablePanelColumn::getEditType()


Returns the edit type of the column.


TablePanelColumnFilter TablePanelColumn::getFilter()


Returns the filter of this column.


String TablePanelColumn::getHeaderStyle()


Returns the style associated with the column header.


String TablePanelColumn::getId()


Returns the column id (i.e. col_1, col_2 etc.)


String TablePanelColumn::getTitle()


Returns the title of the column.


String TablePanelColumn::getType()


Returns the column type.


Integer TablePanelColumn::getWidth()


Returns the width of the column.


Object TablePanelColumn::hideColumn()


Hides the target column from the table.


Boolean TablePanelColumn::isClickable()


Returns true if column is clickable, false otherwise. Note: clickable is usually set to true to make use of the onCellClicked callback.


Boolean TablePanelColumn::isEditable()


Returns true if the column is editable. Returns false otherwise.


Boolean TablePanelColumn::isOneClick()


Returns true if column's One Click option is set to to true, false otherwise. Note: with One Click set to true, the onCellClicked callback will fire by clicking the cell once. With Clickable set to true, user needs two clicks to fire the callback: one to select, one to fire.


Boolean TablePanelColumn::isTransient()


Returns true if column is transient, false otherwise.


Boolean TablePanelColumn::isVisible()


Returns true if target column is visible in the table, false otherwise.


Boolean TablePanelColumn::setClickable(Boolean Clickable)


Sets the column to clickable if true is passed. If false is passed it is not clickable.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
Clickable Boolean  true,false


Object TablePanelColumn::setFilter(Object ... values)


Sets the filter for this column.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
values Object ...  The values to filter out for this column. You may put as many as you need. You may clear the filter with this method with setFilter(null) or setFilter("")

setFilter(isKeep,isPattern,a list of strings)

Boolean TablePanelColumn::setFilter(Boolean isKeep, Boolean isPattern, List a list of strings)


Sets/Clears the filter for this column with the given options and the supplied values as a list. Clears the filter if the list is empty. If the list contains null, the method will consider null values when filtering.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
isKeep Boolean  true=keep those that match,false=hide those that match
isPattern Boolean  If true, the values in your list is considered regular expression.
a list of strings List  The list of string to filter

setFilter(a list of strings,isKeep,isPattern,isIncludeNull,maxVal,isMaxValInclusive,minVal,isMinValInclusive)

Boolean TablePanelColumn::setFilter(List a list of strings, Boolean isKeep, Boolean isPattern, Boolean isIncludeNull, String maxVal, Boolean isMaxValInclusive, String minVal, Boolean isMinValInclusive)


Sets the filter with the supplied list of values and filtering options.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
a list of strings List  The list of strings to filter
isKeep Boolean  true=keep those that match,false=hide those that match
isPattern Boolean  If true, the values in your list is considered regular expression
isIncludeNull Boolean  true=includes null, false=excludes null
maxVal String  the max value to filter as a string
isMaxValInclusive Boolean  true=can include max value itself, false=excludes max value
minVal String  the min value to filter as a string
isMinValInclusive Boolean  true=can include min value itself, false=excludes min value

setHeaderStyle(header style)

Boolean TablePanelColumn::setHeaderStyle(String header style)


Sets the header style of the column with the given style. Can be center, right, left, etc.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
header style String 


Boolean TablePanelColumn::setTitle(String title)


Sets the column title with the given name.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
title String 


Boolean TablePanelColumn::setToEditable(String editId, String editType)


Sets the column to editable. This also includes transient columns. Options are Text, Readonly, Numeric, Checkbox, and Masked

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
editId String  edit id
editType String  edit type


Object TablePanelColumn::setWidth(Integer columnWidth)


Sets the width of the column.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnWidth Integer  Width of the column, must not be negative


Object TablePanelColumn::showColumn()


Shows the target column at the end of the table.