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Data > Datasource Adapters


Setting up the Adapter

  1. Unzip ami_adapter_mongo.<your_version>.obv.tar.gz and copy the .jar files to amione/lib/.

  2. Go to the config directory ami/amione/config and edit or make a Add the lines below or if the ami.datasource.plugins property already exists, add the mongo plugin to the comma deliminated list:



    $${ami.datasource.plugins} references the existing plugin list. Do not put a space before or after the comma.

  3. Restart AMI

  4. Go to Dashboard->Data Modeler and select Attach Datasource.

  5. Select MongoDB as the Datasource. Give your Datasource a name and configure the URL. The URL should take the following format:

    URL: server_address:port_number/Your_Database_Name 

Querying MongoDB

In the demonstrations below, the URL is set to localhost:27017/test.

The AMI MongoDB adapter can query a MongoDB datasource and output sql tables. The general syntax for querying MongoDB is:

 CREATE TABLE Your_Table_Name AS USE EXECUTE <Your_MongoDB_query> 


In the MongoDB shell, let's create a collection called "customer", and insert some rows into it.

db.zipcodes.insert({id:01001,city:'AGAWAM', loc:[-72.622,42.070],pop:15338, state:'MA'});

We can then query this table in AMI:

CREATE TABLE zips AS USE EXECUTE SELECT (String)_id,(String)city,(String)loc,(Integer)pop,(String)state FROM zipcodes WHERE ${WHERE};

Collections with Nested Columns

Inside the MongoDB shell, we can create a collection named "myAccounts" and insert one row into the collection.

db.myAccounts.insert({id:1,name:'John Doe', address:{city:'New York City', state:'New York'}});

We can then query this table in AMI:

 CREATE TABLE account AS USE EXECUTE SELECT (String)_id,(String)name,(String), (String)address.state FROM myAccounts WHERE ${WHERE};

Using EVAL methods


Let's use the myAccounts MongoDB collection that we created before and insert some rows into it. Inside MongoDB shell:

db.myAccounts.insert({id:1,name:'John Doe', address:{city:'New York City', state:'NY'}});
db.myAccounts.insert({id:2,name:'Jane Doe', address:{city:'New Orleans', state:'LA'}});

If we want to create a sql table from MongoDB that finds all rows whose address state is LA, we can enter the following command in AMI script and hits test:

CREATE TABLE account AS USE EXECUTE SELECT (String)_id,(String)name,(String), (String)address.state FROM EVAL db.myAccounts.find({'address.state':'LA'}) WHERE ${WHERE};


CREATE TABLE myAccounts AS USE EXECUTE SELECT (String)_id,(Double)id,(String)name,(String)address FROM EVAL db.myAccounts.find().limit(1) WHERE ${WHERE};


CREATE TABLE myAccounts AS USE EXECUTE SELECT (String)_id,(Double)id,(String)name,(String)address FROM EVAL db.myAccounts.find().skip(1) WHERE ${WHERE};


CREATE TABLE myAccounts AS USE EXECUTE SELECT (String)_id,(Double)id,(String)name,(String)address FROM EVAL db.myAccounts.find().sort({name:1}) WHERE ${WHERE};


CREATE TABLE myAccounts AS USE EXECUTE SELECT (String)_id,(Double)id,(String)name,(String)address FROM EVAL db.myAccounts.find().projection({id:0}) WHERE ${WHERE};