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Architecture > Authentication


The LDAP plugin is available upon request. Please reach out via

  • ami.auth.plugin.class: auth class name, should be set to com.f1.ami.amildap.AmiAuthenticatorLDAP
  • ldap.address: address of ldap server. Ex:
  • ldap.port: ldap port, default is 389
  • ldap.bindDN: admin bind DN. Ex: cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
  • ldap.baseDN: base DN. Ex: ou=group,dc=example,dc=com
  • ldap.bindPW: admin password
  • ldap.attributes: Optional. Comma delimited attributes to search for in ldap (i.e. cn,givenName,sn,mail)
  • ldap.userAttributeName: attribute to identify user object (i.e. sAMAccountName)
  • ldap.maxConnections: Optional. Maximum number of connections (defaults to 10)
  • ldap.initialConnections: Optional. Initial number of connections (defaults to 5)
  • ldap.useSSL: Optional. Specifies that ssl should be used for all connections (defaults to false)
  • ldap.useStartTLS: Optional. Specifies that the StartTLS protocol should be used, requires useSSL to be true
  • ldap.sslTrustStorePath: Optional. Path to the truststore cert (for ssl)
  • ldap.sslTrustStorePin: Optional. Pin for the truststore cert (for ssl)
  • ldap.sslTrustStoreFormat: Optional. Format of the truststore cert (valid inputs are: all,pem. Defaults to JVM defaults otherwise)
  • ldap.sslValidateHostname: Optional. Boolean indicating if the hostname should be validated. (Defaults to true)