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FormMultiSelectField var = .... ;


Extended By



A special type of field within a FormPanel that allows multiple options to be selected.

Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
FormMultiSelectField addOptions(options) Boolean Add to the field's options based on the provided map
FormMultiSelectField clearOptions() Boolean Removes all options.
FormMultiSelectField clearSelected() Boolean Clear selected values
FormField exportConfig() Map Exports this field's configuration to a map.
DashboardResource getCallback(callbackName) Callback Returns a callback by name
DashboardResource getCallbacks() Map Returns a map of all callback definitions.
DashboardResource getChildren() List Returns a list of the child dashboard resources.
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
FormField getCssClass() String Returns the CSS class.
DashboardResource getDRI() String Returns the Dashboard Resource Indicator (DRI) as a string. DRI is the unique identifier of this resources within the entire dashboard.
DashboardResource getDashboardResourceType() String Returns the Dashboard Resource Type as a string
FormField getDisabled() Boolean Returns true if field is disabled, false otherwise.
FormField getDisplayMode() String DEPRECATED, use isVisible instead. Returns display type of field. Will return "ABSOLUTE" if field is displayed using absolute positioning. Will return "HTML" if field is displayed using form HTML.
FormMultiSelectField getDisplayValueSortOption() String Returns the sort option set for the display values.
FormField getFieldValue(varName) Object Returns the value of the field with the associated varName for the form that owns this field.
DashboardResource getFormula(formulaName) Formula Returns a Formula given the formula name.
DashboardResource getFormulaNames() Set Returns a set of the names of all formulas for this object.
DashboardResource getFormulas() Map Returns a map of all available formulas for this object. The key is the formula name.
DashboardResource getLRI() String Returns the Localized Resource Indicator (LRI) as a string. LRI is the unique identifier of this resource with the parent element.
FormField getLabel() String Returns the label associated with this field.
FormField getLabelTooltip() String Returns the tooltip associated with this field's label.
FormMultiSelectField getOption(key) String Returns a single option according to input key
FormMultiSelectField getOptions() Map Returns the map of options
DashboardResource getOwner() DashboardResource Returns the DashboardResource that owns this object.
FormField getPanel() FormPanel Returns the panel that contains this field.
FormField getPosition() Rectangle Returns a Rectangle object representing the field's position as (x,y,w,h).
FormMultiSelectField getSelected() List Returns ordered list of selected values
FormField getStyleSet() StyleSet Returns the StyleSet for this form field.
FormMultiSelectField getUnselected() List Returns ordered list of unselected values
FormField getValue() Object Returns the value associated with this field.
FormField getVariableName() String Returns the variable name associated with this field.
DashboardResource invokeCallback(callbackName, args) Object Executes the specified callback definition and returns the result from the callback.
FormField isAtDefaultPosition() Boolean Returns whether field is at the default position specified in field editor.
FormField isTransient() Boolean Returns whether a field is transient.
FormField isVisible() Boolean Returns true iff this field is visible, false otherwise.
FormMultiSelectField moveSelectedBottom() Boolean Moves the selected options bottom
FormMultiSelectField moveSelectedDown() Boolean Moves the selected options down
FormMultiSelectField moveSelectedTo(index) Boolean Moves the selected options to position
FormMultiSelectField moveSelectedTop() Boolean Moves the selected options top
FormMultiSelectField moveSelectedUp() Boolean Moves the selected options up
FormMultiSelectField putOption(key, value) Boolean Adds an option to the multi-select field.
FormMultiSelectField removeOption(key) Boolean Removes the option from the multi-select field.
FormField resetCssClass() Boolean Resets CSS class to default (as configured in AMI editor).
FormField resetDisabled() Boolean Resets the disabled flag to default (as configured in AMI editor).
FormMultiSelectField resetOptions() Object If options have been manually set using amiscript, this resets to default values
FormField resetPosition() Boolean Resets field position to default position specified in field editor.
FormField setCssClass(cssStyle) Boolean Sets CSS class. Returns empty string for no css.
FormField setDisabled(disabled) Boolean Set the disabled status of the field (true for disabling, false for enabling).
FormField setDisplayMode(mode) Boolean DEPRECATED, use setVisible instead. Sets display mode of field. Setting to "ABSOLUTE" will display field using absolute positioning. Setting to "HTML" will allow field to be displayed using the form HTML. Any other input will throw an exception.
FormMultiSelectField setDisplayValueSortOption(displaySortOption) Boolean Sets the sorting option for the display values in the autocomplete menu.
FormField setFieldValue(key, value) Boolean Sets the key value pair to this portlet's attributes and returns true if successful. For key, put in the field's variable name, then set the value.
FormField setLabelTooltip(tooltip) Boolean Sets the label tooltip.
FormMultiSelectField setOptions(options) Boolean Set the field's options using the provided map
FormField setPosition(x, y, w, h) Boolean Sets the field position. Specify (x,y) position, width, and height in pixels. Passing null to an argument is equivalent to not setting a value for that specific argument.
FormField setPosition(rect) Boolean Sets the position, if the position is null then resets the overrides
FormField setValue(value) Boolean Set this field's value. This is a generic set method that is available for every field in AMI. For FormRangeSlider and FormImage field, it is advisable to use their own setValue() method.
FormField setVisible(visible) Boolean Sets the visibility of this field. Returns false iff the argument is null, true otherwise.
Object toJson() String Returns a json representation of this object.

Method Definitions


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::addOptions(Map options)


Add to the field's options based on the provided map

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
options Map  Options to be added


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::clearOptions()


Removes all options.


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::clearSelected()


Clear selected values


String FormMultiSelectField::getDisplayValueSortOption()


Returns the sort option set for the display values.


String FormMultiSelectField::getOption(Object key)


Returns a single option according to input key

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key Object  Key for which the corresponding option is returned


Map FormMultiSelectField::getOptions()


Returns the map of options


List FormMultiSelectField::getSelected()


Returns ordered list of selected values


List FormMultiSelectField::getUnselected()


Returns ordered list of unselected values


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::moveSelectedBottom()


Moves the selected options bottom


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::moveSelectedDown()


Moves the selected options down


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::moveSelectedTo(Integer index)


Moves the selected options to position

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
index Integer  position for the selection options to be moved to


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::moveSelectedTop()


Moves the selected options top


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::moveSelectedUp()


Moves the selected options up


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::putOption(Object key, String value)


Adds an option to the multi-select field.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key Object  Key to be added
value String  Value to be added


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::removeOption(Object key)


Removes the option from the multi-select field.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key Object  Key to be removed


Object FormMultiSelectField::resetOptions()


If options have been manually set using amiscript, this resets to default values


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::setDisplayValueSortOption(String displaySortOption)


Sets the sorting option for the display values in the autocomplete menu.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
displaySortOption String  Expected Values: NONE (original ordering), ASC, DESC


Boolean FormMultiSelectField::setOptions(Map options)


Set the field's options using the provided map

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
options Map  Options to be added