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Reference > Classes



Map var = .... ;


Extended By


A mutable collection of unique keys which are mapped to values. Attempts to add duplicates will override existing key-value pairs. Entries are stored in the order inserted (Backed by java LinkedHashMap)

Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
Map constructor(key_values) Object Init list
Map clear() Boolean Removes all the mappings from this map. Returns true if the map is changed as a result.
Map containsKey(key) Boolean Returns true if this map contains the specified key.
Map containsValue(value) Boolean Returns true if this map contains the specified value.
Map get(key) Object Returns the value associated with the given key. Returns null if key does not exist.
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
Map getKeys() Set Returns the keys as a set.
Map getValues() List Returns the values as a list.
Map jsonPath(jsonPath) Object Walks the JSON path and returns the object at the end of the path. Returns itself if path is null. Use dot(.) to delimit path. Use number to traverse list element and key to traverse map.
Map put(key, value) Object Adds the specified key value pair to this map and returns old value associated with the key. Returns null if key does not exist.
Map putAll(m) Object Copies all the mappies of the target map to this map
Map remove(key) Object Removes the given key and returns the value associated with the key. Returns null if the key does not exist.
Map size() Integer Returns the number of key/value pairs in this map.
Object toJson() String Returns a json representation of this object.

Method Definitions


Map map = new Map(Object ... key_values)


Init list

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key_values Object ...  initialize list with arguments


Boolean Map::clear()


Removes all the mappings from this map. Returns true if the map is changed as a result.


Boolean Map::containsKey(Object key)


Returns true if this map contains the specified key.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key Object 


Boolean Map::containsValue(Object value)


Returns true if this map contains the specified value.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
value Object 


Object Map::get(Object key)


Returns the value associated with the given key. Returns null if key does not exist.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key Object 


Set Map::getKeys()


Returns the keys as a set.


List Map::getValues()


Returns the values as a list.


Object Map::jsonPath(String jsonPath)


Walks the JSON path and returns the object at the end of the path. Returns itself if path is null. Use dot(.) to delimit path. Use number to traverse list element and key to traverse map.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
jsonPath String  dot(.) delimited path Ex: ""


Object Map::put(Object key, Object value)


Adds the specified key value pair to this map and returns old value associated with the key. Returns null if key does not exist.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key Object 
value Object 


Object Map::putAll(Map m)


Copies all the mappies of the target map to this map

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
m Map  map


Object Map::remove(Object key)


Removes the given key and returns the value associated with the key. Returns null if the key does not exist.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
key Object 


Integer Map::size()


Returns the number of key/value pairs in this map.