Extended By¶
- TabsPanel
- ChartPanel
- ScrollPanel
- DividerPanel
- TreePanel
- FilterPanel
- HeatmapPanel
- TablePanel
- SurfacePanel
- FormPanel
A visualization Panel. There are various subtypes including HtmlPanels, FormPanels, TablePanels, etc.
Method Summary¶
Owner | Name | Return Type | Description |
Panel | addPanelNextToMe(position, configuration) | DividerPanel | Adds a new panel adjacent to this panel by creating a divider portlet. The divider portlet is returned. |
Panel | bringToFront() | Object | Makes this panel visible and bring its containing window to the front. |
Panel | callCommand(applicationId, cmdId, arguments) | String | Calls the given command. Returns commandUid (String) on success, otherwise null. |
Panel | callCommand(applicationId, cmdId, arguments) | String | Calls the given command. Returns the commandUid (String) for this command call or null on failure. |
Panel | callRelationship(relationshipName) | Boolean | Reruns the relationship targeting this panel based on name. Returns true on success. |
Panel | callRelationshipId(relationshipId) | Boolean | Reruns the relationship targeting this panel based on id. Returns true on success. |
Panel | clearUserSelection() | Object | Clears the user's selection. |
Panel | close() | Object | Removes this transient panel. Note this will throw an error if the target panel is not transient. |
Panel | deletePanel() | Object | Removes this transient panel. Note this will throw an error if the target panel is not transient |
Panel | exportConfig() | Map | Exports this panel's configuration to a map. |
Panel | exportConfig(includeRelationships, includeDatamodels) | Map | Exports this panel's configuration to a map, with the options to include external relationships and external datamodels. |
Panel | exportConfigIncludeExternalRelationships() | Map | Exports this panels configuration with external relationships |
Panel | exportUserPreferences() | Map | Exports this panel's user preferences to a map. |
DashboardResource | getCallback(callbackName) | Callback | Returns a callback by name |
DashboardResource | getCallbacks() | Map | Returns a map of all callback definitions. |
DashboardResource | getChildren() | List | Returns a list of the child dashboard resources. |
Object | getClassName() | String | Returns the string name of this object's class type. |
Panel | getCurrentRelationship() | Relationship | Returns the Relationship object currently applied to this panel. |
DashboardResource | getDRI() | String | Returns the Dashboard Resource Indicator (DRI) as a string. DRI is the unique identifier of this resources within the entire dashboard. |
DashboardResource | getDashboardResourceType() | String | Returns the Dashboard Resource Type as a string |
Panel | getDatamodels() | Object | Returns a set of datamodels that were used in this panel. |
Panel | getDownstreamMode() | String | Returns status of send data downstream to realtime panels. The statuses are OFF or SELECTED_OR_ALL. |
DashboardResource | getFormula(formulaName) | Formula | Returns a Formula given the formula name. |
DashboardResource | getFormulaNames() | Set | Returns a set of the names of all formulas for this object. |
DashboardResource | getFormulas() | Map | Returns a map of all available formulas for this object. The key is the formula name. |
Panel | getId() | String | Returns this panel's ID (as defined in settings). |
DashboardResource | getLRI() | String | Returns the Localized Resource Indicator (LRI) as a string. LRI is the unique identifier of this resource with the parent element. |
Panel | getLayout() | Layout | Returns layout that owns this panel. |
Panel | getLocation() | Rectangle | Returns a Rectangle object that stores the location of this panel relative to the upper left corner of the browser, not including the 3Forge header. |
Panel | getMenu() | MenuItem | Returns this panel's root custom context menu. |
DashboardResource | getOwner() | DashboardResource | Returns the DashboardResource that owns this object. |
Panel | getParent() | Panel | Returns the parent panel of this panel. |
Panel | getStyle(styleKey) | String | Returns the value for a particular style given the style code, which can be obtained by clicking on the style name. Returns Null if key not found. |
Panel | getStyle(styleKey, index) | String | Returns the value for a particular style given the style code at the specified position. The style code can be obtained by clicking on the style name. Returns Null if key not found, returns the first value in the list if position is out of bound. |
Panel | getStyleNumber(styleKey) | Number | Returns the numeric value associated with the supplied style key in this portlets style. Null if key not found, or value is not a number. Ex: using this method for text align will return null as its values are not numeric. |
Panel | getStyleSet() | StyleSet | Returns the StyleSet for this panel. |
Panel | getTitle() | String | Returns this panel's title |
Panel | getType() | String | Returns the type of this panel, either: html, div_v, div_h, tabs, or one of the AMI visualization types. |
Panel | getUid() | String | Returns this panel's ami-generated ID. |
Panel | getValue(key) | Object | Returns the value associated with key from this portlet's attributes. Returns null if key does not exist. |
Panel | getWindow() | Window | Returns the window that owns this panel. |
DashboardResource | invokeCallback(callbackName, args) | Object | Executes the specified callback definition and returns the result from the callback. |
Panel | isPoppedOut() | Boolean | Returns true if this panel is popped out. |
DashboardResource | isTransient() | Boolean | Returns true if this is transient, false otherwise. Transient objects are not saved to the layout. |
Panel | isUndocked() | Boolean | Returns true if this panel is undocked. |
Panel | isVisible() | Boolean | Returns true if this panel is visible. |
Panel | minimize() | Object | Minimizes the window, same as calling getWindow().minimize(). |
Panel | setDownstreamMode(mode) | String | Sets and returns the mode for sending data downstream to realtime panels. The modes are OFF or SELECTED_OR_ALL. |
Panel | setTitle(title) | Boolean | Sets the title of the panel with the given value |
Panel | setValue(key, value) | Boolean | Adds the key value pair to this portlet's attributes and return true if successful. |
Object | toJson() | String | Returns a json representation of this object. |
Method Definitions¶
DividerPanel Panel::addPanelNextToMe(String position, Map configuration)
Adds a new panel adjacent to this panel by creating a divider portlet. The divider portlet is returned.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
position | String | Must be either:LEFT,ABOVE,RIGHT,BELOW |
configuration | Map | if null a blank portlet is created |
Makes this panel visible and bring its containing window to the front.
String Panel::callCommand(String applicationId, String cmdId, Map arguments)
Calls the given command. Returns commandUid (String) on success, otherwise null.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
applicationId | String | |
cmdId | String | |
arguments | Map |
String Panel::callCommand(String applicationId, String cmdId, String arguments)
Calls the given command. Returns the commandUid (String) for this command call or null on failure.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
applicationId | String | |
cmdId | String | |
arguments | String | comma delimited list of key=value arguments |
Boolean Panel::callRelationship(String relationshipName)
Reruns the relationship targeting this panel based on name. Returns true on success.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
relationshipName | String | name of Relationship |
Boolean Panel::callRelationshipId(String relationshipId)
Reruns the relationship targeting this panel based on id. Returns true on success.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
relationshipId | String | Id of Relationship |
Object Panel::clearUserSelection()
Clears the user's selection.
Removes this transient panel. Note this will throw an error if the target panel is not transient.
Removes this transient panel. Note this will throw an error if the target panel is not transient
Exports this panel's configuration to a map.
Map Panel::exportConfig(Boolean includeRelationships, Boolean includeDatamodels)
Exports this panel's configuration to a map, with the options to include external relationships and external datamodels.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
includeRelationships | Boolean | include external relationships |
includeDatamodels | Boolean | include external datamodels |
Map Panel::exportConfigIncludeExternalRelationships()
Exports this panels configuration with external relationships
Map Panel::exportUserPreferences()
Exports this panel's user preferences to a map.
Relationship Panel::getCurrentRelationship()
Returns the Relationship object currently applied to this panel.
Returns a set of datamodels that were used in this panel.
String Panel::getDownstreamMode()
Returns status of send data downstream to realtime panels. The statuses are OFF or SELECTED_OR_ALL.
Returns this panel's ID (as defined in settings).
Returns layout that owns this panel.
Rectangle Panel::getLocation()
Returns a Rectangle object that stores the location of this panel relative to the upper left corner of the browser, not including the 3Forge header.
Returns this panel's root custom context menu.
Returns the parent panel of this panel.
String Panel::getStyle(String styleKey)
Returns the value for a particular style given the style code, which can be obtained by clicking on the style name. Returns Null if key not found.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
styleKey | String | the key associated with this portlet's style |
String Panel::getStyle(String styleKey, Number index)
Returns the value for a particular style given the style code at the specified position. The style code can be obtained by clicking on the style name. Returns Null if key not found, returns the first value in the list if position is out of bound.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
styleKey | String | the key associated with this portlet's style |
index | Number | If the style is a list, which element in the list to return |
Number Panel::getStyleNumber(String styleKey)
Returns the numeric value associated with the supplied style key in this portlets style. Null if key not found, or value is not a number. Ex: using this method for text align will return null as its values are not numeric.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
styleKey | String | the key associated with this portlet's style |
Returns the StyleSet for this panel.
Returns this panel's title
Returns the type of this panel, either: html, div_v, div_h, tabs, or one of the AMI visualization types.
Returns this panel's ami-generated ID.
Object Panel::getValue(String key)
Returns the value associated with key from this portlet's attributes. Returns null if key does not exist.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
key | String |
Returns the window that owns this panel.
Returns true if this panel is popped out.
Returns true if this panel is undocked.
Returns true if this panel is visible.
Minimizes the window, same as calling getWindow().minimize().
String Panel::setDownstreamMode(String mode)
Sets and returns the mode for sending data downstream to realtime panels. The modes are OFF or SELECTED_OR_ALL.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
mode | String |
Boolean Panel::setTitle(String title)
Sets the title of the panel with the given value
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
title | String |
Boolean Panel::setValue(String key, Object value)
Adds the key value pair to this portlet's attributes and return true if successful.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | |
value | Object |