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SpreadSheetBuilder var = .... ;


Extended By



Builder for generating a Spreadsheet

Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
SpreadSheetBuilder constructor() SpreadSheetBuilder Creates a builder for generating a Spreadsheet
SpreadSheetBuilder addFlexSheet(name) Boolean Creates a new empty flex sheet with the given name. Note that if used alongside the loadExisting functionality, this should be added after otherwise loading behavior is undefined
SpreadSheetBuilder addSheet(tablePanel, sheetName, onlySelectedRows, shouldFormat) Boolean Adds a sheet into the spreadsheet workbook. Returns true if operation is sucessful; false in any other case including passing null as parameter(s).
SpreadSheetBuilder addSheet(tab, onlySelectedRows, shouldFormat) Boolean Finds all the tables contained by the tab and builds sheets off of them. Returns true if operation is successful; false in any other case including passing null as parameter(s).
SpreadSheetBuilder build() Binary Builds and returns a binary containing the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet builder will be reset after this is called.
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
SpreadSheetBuilder getSheetNames() Set Returns a set containing the names of the sheets added by the builder.
SpreadSheetBuilder getSheetsCount() Integer Returns the number of sheets built by the builder.
SpreadSheetBuilder getWorksheet(worksheetName) Object Returns an existing worksheet with the input name. (Returned type is a base class of either AmiWebSpreadsheet or AmiWebFlexsheet
SpreadSheetBuilder loadExistingSheets(data) Boolean Loads an existing xlsx file into individual flex sheets
Object toJson() String Returns a json representation of this object.

Method Definitions


SpreadSheetBuilder spreadsheetbuilder = new SpreadSheetBuilder()


Creates a builder for generating a Spreadsheet


Boolean SpreadSheetBuilder::addFlexSheet(String name)


Creates a new empty flex sheet with the given name. Note that if used alongside the loadExisting functionality, this should be added after otherwise loading behavior is undefined

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
name String 


Boolean SpreadSheetBuilder::addSheet(TablePanel tablePanel, String sheetName, Boolean onlySelectedRows, Boolean shouldFormat)


Adds a sheet into the spreadsheet workbook. Returns true if operation is sucessful; false in any other case including passing null as parameter(s).

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
tablePanel TablePanel  The table to build the spreadsheet off of
sheetName String  name of the sheet
onlySelectedRows Boolean  true to only include selectedRows, false to build the entire table
shouldFormat Boolean  true to include table format (bg color, greybar color etc.), false to use default formatting


Boolean SpreadSheetBuilder::addSheet(Tab tab, Boolean onlySelectedRows, Boolean shouldFormat)


Finds all the tables contained by the tab and builds sheets off of them. Returns true if operation is successful; false in any other case including passing null as parameter(s).

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
tab Tab  tab containing tables
onlySelectedRows Boolean  true to only include selectedRows, false to build entire tables contained in the tab
shouldFormat Boolean  true to include table format (bg color, greybar color etc.), false to use default formatting


Binary SpreadSheetBuilder::build()


Builds and returns a binary containing the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet builder will be reset after this is called.


Set SpreadSheetBuilder::getSheetNames()


Returns a set containing the names of the sheets added by the builder.


Integer SpreadSheetBuilder::getSheetsCount()


Returns the number of sheets built by the builder.


Object SpreadSheetBuilder::getWorksheet(String worksheetName)


Returns an existing worksheet with the input name. (Returned type is a base class of either AmiWebSpreadsheet or AmiWebFlexsheet

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
worksheetName String 


Boolean SpreadSheetBuilder::loadExistingSheets(Binary data)


Loads an existing xlsx file into individual flex sheets

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
data Binary