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Web > Common Visualizations

Data In Forms

Suppose we have two real time tables: ReconFailure and ReconSuccess that keeps track of successful and failed transactions across different systems in real time, initially set to zero

You can use the following code to follow along this tutorial

drop table if exists ReconFailure;
create public table ReconFailure(FailureCount int, System string);
insert into ReconFailure values(0,"s1"),(0,"s2"),(0,"s3");

drop table if exists ReconSuccess;
create public table ReconSuccess(SuccessCount int, System string);
insert into ReconSuccess values(0,"s1"),(0,"s2"),(0,"s3");
  1. Build a datamodel against two real time tables ReconFailure and ReconSuccess

  2. Configure the form fields (using text field in this case)

    In a new panel, hit the central button, go to Create HTML Panel

    Hit the central button in the middle, go to Add Field-> Text Field

    Make 6 Text fields as below:

  3. Edit the datamodel and set up form field variables that match the two real time table schemas

  4. Subscribe to two real time feeds: ReconFailure and ReconSuccess

  5. Go to OnProcess and enter the following code script

    boolean isSnapshotProcessing = !session.isFeedSnapshotProcessed("ReconSuccess") && !session.isFeedSnapshotProcessed("ReconFailure");
      if (isSnapshotProcessing)
      RealtimeEvent rte = rtevents;
      while(rte != null) {
        if (rte.getFeed() == "ReconSuccess") {
          String system = rte.getValues().get("System");
          int count = rte.getValues().get("SuccessCount");
          if (system == "s1")
          else if (system == "s2")
          else if (system == "s3")
        } else if (rte.getFeed() == "ReconFailure") {
          String system = rte.getValues().get("System");
          int count = rte.getValues().get("FailureCount");
          if (system == "s1")
          else if (system == "s2")
          else if (system == "s3")
        rte = rte.getNext();
  6. Set up timers to simulate real time feeds
    For the sake of demonstration, I am using two timers here to update two real time tables ReconFailure and ReconSuccess. In real life scenarios, you may connect to some external real time feeds.

    timer1 to update ReconSuccess
    create timer SuccessTransaction oftype AMISCRIPT on "500" USE script= "list Systems = new list(\"s1\",\"s2\",\"s3\"); int SysID = rand(3); String sys = Systems.get(SysID); Update ReconSuccess set SuccessCount=SuccessCount+1 where System==sys;"
    timer2 to update ReconFailure
    create timer FailureTransaction oftype AMISCRIPT on "500" USE script= "list Systems = new list(\"s1\",\"s2\",\"s3\"); int SysID = rand(3); String sys = Systems.get(SysID); Update ReconFailure set FailureCount=FailureCount+1 where System==sys;"

Once enabling the timer, the figures in the text fields will be in sync with the counts in two real time tables.