Data > Clients
The AMI Client Listener is used to process messages and commands sent and received by the AMI Client.
The AMI Client connects to the AMI Realtime Backend API. Below is a simple example that sends a message and a command via the AMI Client and processes the command callback.
The AMI Client is NOT thread-safe.
The hostname is the host where either AmiCenter or AmiRelay is running.
The port is configured via the property "ami.port" which typically is set to 3289.
Java interface (see javadoc for details)
| com.f1.ami.client.AmiClient
Example - Java Code
| package com.demo.runmaintest;
import java.util.Map;
import com.f1.ami.client.AmiClient;
import com.f1.ami.client.AmiClientCommandDef;
import com.f1.ami.client.AmiClientListener;
import com.f1.utils.OH;
import com.f1.utils.concurrent.HasherMap;
public class SampleClient implements AmiClientListener {
public static final byte OPTION_AUTO_PROCESS_INCOMING = 2;
public static void main(String a[]) throws Exception {
AmiClient client = new AmiClient();
client.addListener(new SampleClient(client));
client.start("localhost", 3289, "demo", OPTION_AUTO_PROCESS_INCOMING);
while (true)
OH.sleep(1000); // Keep process alive
private AmiClient amiClient;
public SampleClient(AmiClient client) {
this.amiClient = client;
public void onMessageReceived(AmiClient source, long now, int seqnum, int status, CharSequence message) {
System.out.println("Message received: " + message);
public void onMessageSent(AmiClient source, CharSequence message) {
System.out.println("Message sent: " + message);
public void onConnect(AmiClient source) {
public void onDisconnect(AmiClient source) {
public void onLoggedIn(AmiClient amiClient) {
// We've successfully connected an logged in, let's register stuff.
System.out.println("Logged in");
// Send message
this.amiClient.startObjectMessage("SampleOrders", "1");
// Send as String
// addMessageParamString(String key, String value)
this.amiClient.addMessageParamString("Order", "Order");
// Send as int
// addMessageParamInt(String key, int value)
this.amiClient.addMessageParamInt("Quantity", 1000);
// Send as double
// addMessageParamDouble(String key, double value)
this.amiClient.addMessageParamDouble("Price", 2703.1995);
// Send as long
// addMessageParamLong(String key, long value)
this.amiClient.addMessageParamLong("Price2", (long) 2703.1995);
// Send as float
// addMessageParamFloat(String key, float value)
this.amiClient.addMessageParamFloat("Volume", (float) 0.45466549498);
// Send as boolean
// addMessageParamBoolean(String key, boolean value)
this.amiClient.addMessageParamBoolean("GTC", false);
// Send as json object
// addMessageParamJson(String key, Object value)
Map map = new HasherMap<String, String>();
this.amiClient.addMessageParamJson("Table", map);
// Send as binary
// addMessageParamBinary(String key, byte[] value)
byte[] binary = "hello world".getBytes();
this.amiClient.addMessageParamBinary("Val", binary);
// Send as num
// addMessageParamBinary(String key, CharSequence value)
this.amiClient.addMessageParamEnum("Num", "ENUM");
// Send as object
// addMessageParamObject(String key, Object value)
Object obj = new Object();
this.amiClient.addMessageParamObject("Data", obj);
// Register a command
AmiClientCommandDef def = new AmiClientCommandDef("sample_cmd_def");
System.out.println("Sent command");
public void onCommand(AmiClient source, String requestId, String cmd, String userName, String type, String id, Map<String, Object> params) {
// Do business logic triggered by callback
System.out.println("On command");
source.startResponseMessage(requestId, 1, "Okay").addMessageParamLong("sample_user_callback", 45).sendMessageAndFlush();
Sending Objects
Once the AmiClient is connected to AMI Realtime Backend API, the client can start sending messages.
See the AMI Realtime Message Object O
for more details.
Class AmiClient
AmiClient startObjectMessage(String type, CharSequence id)
Starts an object (O) message. Param id is optional.
AmiClient startObjectMessage(String type, CharSequence id, long expiresOn)
Starts an object (O) message. Param id is optional. If the param expiresOn is: set to 0 the object does not expire, a positive value the object expires at an epoch absolute time, a negative value the object expires in an offset time(milliseconds) into the future.
void addMessageParamObject(String key, Object value)
AmiClient addMessageParams(Map<String, Object> params)
See com.f1.ami.client.AmiClient (javadoc for other addMessageParam[types])
boolean sendMessage
Finalize and send the current message, returns true if successful
void flush()
Send pending message buffer to AMI, can be called at anytime
boolean sendMessageAndFlush()
Send pending message to AMI and block until the message is fully read by AMI, returns true if successful
Register Command
Commands can be created and registered to AMI via the AmiClientCommandDef class.
See the AMI Realtime Message Command Definition C
for more details.
Example - Java Code
| //Creates a new command
AmiClientCommandDef commandDef = new AmiClientCommandDef("COMMAND_ID");
//Sets the name of the command on the frontend
commandDef.setName("Command Name");
//Specifies when to show the command
//Specifies an additional param from the source table to be passed to the onCommand params
//Sends a command (C) declaration via the AMI Client
Processing Command Callbacks
Command callbacks are processed using the AmiClientListener onCommand() method.
See the AMI Realtime Message Response to Execute Command R
for more details.
Example - Java Code
| public class SampleClient implements AmiClientListener {
public void onCommand(AmiClient source, String requestId, String cmd, String userName, String type, String id, Map<String, Object> params) {
String origRequestId = requestId;
int status = 1;
String message = "Okay";
//Starts a response (R) message
source.startResponseMessage(origRequestId, status, message);
//Get additional params defined by AmiClientCommandDef.setFields
long id = (long)params.get("id");
source.addMessageParamLong("id", id);
The steps to set up the interface for the AmiClientAsServer is similar to the AmiClient interface.
To set it up, you will require the following configuration:
Example - Java Code
| package com.f1.ami.client;
import java.util.Map;
public class AmiClientAsServerTest implements AmiClientAsServerFactory, AmiClientListener {
public static void main(String a[]) throws IOException {
new AmiClientAsServer(1234, null, null, new AmiClientAsServerTest());
public void onClient(Socket socket, AmiClient client) throws IOException {
client.start(socket, "demo", AmiClient.ENABLE_AUTO_PROCESS_INCOMING);
client.startObjectMessage("ClientAsServer", null);
client.addMessageParamString("key", "Hello!");
client.addMessageParamLong("now", System.currentTimeMillis());
client.addMessageParamDouble("now", System.currentTimeMillis());
public void onMessageReceived(AmiClient rawClient, long now, int seqnum, int status, CharSequence message) {
System.out.println("On Message Received: " + message);
public void onMessageSent(AmiClient rawClient, CharSequence message) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onConnect(AmiClient rawClient) {
public void onDisconnect(AmiClient rawClient) {
public void onCommand(AmiClient rawClient, String requestId, String cmd, String userName, String objectType, String objectId, Map<String, Object> params) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
public void onLoggedIn(AmiClient rawClient) {
Subscribe to AMI Center from External Applications to Listen for Events
The Center Client is used to create real time subscriptions to one or more tables on a center. Once subscribed, any changes made to the tables will be published to the client.
Both out.jar
and autocode.jar
should be included in the project's classpath. These files can be retrieved from the amione/lib
Please replace the "localhost" address and 3270 port with your corresponding center's address and the center's port number.
Example - Java Code
| package com.f1;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.AmiCenterDefinition;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.centerclient.AmiCenterClientListener;
import com.f1.ami.amicommon.centerclient.AmiCenterClientObjectMessage;
import com.f1.ami.client.AmiCenterClient;
import com.f1.bootstrap.ContainerBootstrap;
import com.f1.utils.CH;
public class CenterClient implements AmiCenterClientListener {
public CenterClient() {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
new ContainerBootstrap(CenterClient.class, args);
CenterClient amiClient = new CenterClient();
AmiCenterClient centerClient = new AmiCenterClient("demo");
centerClient.connect("subscription1", "localhost", 3270, amiClient);
//Subscribe to both table A and __TABLE
centerClient.subscribe("subscription1", CH.s("A", "__TABLE"));
while (true);
public void onCenterConnect(AmiCenterDefinition center) {
public void onCenterDisconnect(AmiCenterDefinition center) {
public void onCenterMessage(AmiCenterDefinition center, AmiCenterClientObjectMessage m) {
public void onCenterMessageBatchDone(AmiCenterDefinition center) {