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Reference > Prepare Methods



Double dnorm(Number value)


similar to stack, but scaled so that the min value is zero. Short hand for: (stack(value) - value)/sum(value). This, in conjunction with norm(...) can used for preparing area charts that should fill an area, such as a pie chart.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
value Number

Example 1

CREATE TABLE input(symbol String, id int, price double);
INSERT INTO input VALUES ("CAT", 1, 50),("CAT", 2, 54),("CAT", 3, 52),("CAT", 4, 52),("CAT", 5, null),("CAT", 6, 57);
INSERT INTO input VALUES ("IBM", 1, 20),("IBM", 2, 24),("IBM", 3, 22),("IBM", 4, 27),("IBM", 5, null);
CREATE TABLE result AS PREPARE *,dnorm(price) AS newCol FROM input PARTITION BY symbol;
Table input = SELECT * FROM input;
TABLE result = SELECT * FROM result;

// input = 
// +---------------------+
// |        input        |
// +------+-------+------+
// |symbol|id     |price |
// |String|Integer|Double|
// +------+-------+------+
// |CAT   |1      |50.0  |
// |CAT   |2      |54.0  |
// |CAT   |3      |52.0  |
// |CAT   |4      |52.0  |
// |CAT   |5      !null  |
// |CAT   |6      |57.0  |
// |IBM   |1      |20.0  |
// |IBM   |2      |24.0  |
// |IBM   |3      |22.0  |
// |IBM   |4      |27.0  |
// |IBM   |5      !null  |
// +------+-------+------+
// result = 
// +-----------------------------------------+
// |                 result                  |
// +------+-------+------+-------------------+
// |symbol|id     |price |newCol             |
// |String|Integer|Double|Double             |
// +------+-------+------+-------------------+
// |CAT   |1      |50.0  |0.0                |
// |CAT   |2      |54.0  |0.18867924528301888|
// |CAT   |3      |52.0  |0.39245283018867927|
// |CAT   |4      |52.0  |0.5886792452830188 |
// |CAT   |5      !null  !null               |
// |CAT   |6      |57.0  |0.7849056603773585 |
// |IBM   |1      |20.0  |0.0                |
// |IBM   |2      |24.0  |0.21505376344086022|
// |IBM   |3      |22.0  |0.4731182795698925 |
// |IBM   |4      |27.0  |0.7096774193548387 |
// |IBM   |5      !null  !null               |
// +------+-------+------+-------------------+