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ZipBuilder var = .... ;


Extended By



Used for Building a zip file by adding individual files

Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
ZipBuilder constructor() ZipBuilder Constructs a new empty ZipBuilder
ZipBuilder addFile(fileName, data) Boolean Adds the file as an entry to the zip file given the filename and data. Returns false if filename is not valid, data is null or the build() has already been called, which indicates the file was not added. Otherwise returns true.
ZipBuilder addFile(fileName, data, modifiedTimestamp) Boolean Adds the file as an entry to the zip file given the filename, data, and the modified timestamp. Returns false if filename is not valid, data is null or the build() has already been called, which indicates the file was not added. Otherwise returns true.
ZipBuilder build() Binary Returns a Byte representing a zip file.
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
Object toJson() String Returns a string of a json representation of this object.

Method Definitions


ZipBuilder zipbuilder = new ZipBuilder()


Constructs a new empty ZipBuilder


Boolean ZipBuilder::addFile(String fileName, Binary data)


Adds the file as an entry to the zip file given the filename and data. Returns false if filename is not valid, data is null or the build() has already been called, which indicates the file was not added. Otherwise returns true.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
fileName String 
data Binary 


Boolean ZipBuilder::addFile(String fileName, Binary data, UTC modifiedTimestamp)


Adds the file as an entry to the zip file given the filename, data, and the modified timestamp. Returns false if filename is not valid, data is null or the build() has already been called, which indicates the file was not added. Otherwise returns true.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
fileName String  fileName of the entry to add
data Binary  data of the entry to add
modifiedTimestamp UTC  modified timestamp of the entry to add


Binary ZipBuilder::build()


Returns a Byte representing a zip file.


String Object::getClassName()


Returns the string name of this object's class type.


String Object::toJson()


Returns a string of a json representation of this object.