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Table var = .... ;


Extended By



Represents a 2-dimensional data structure with a predefined set of uniquely named, ordered columns. It also has a variant number of rows (see Row).

Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
Table constructor(title) Object Creates a new table given the title.
Table constructor(title, map_of_lists) Object Creates a new table given the title and a map of lists.
Table constructor(title, columnsDefition) Object Creates a new table given the title and the column definitions.
Table constructor(table) Object Copy constructor for creating a new table.
Table addColumn(columnName, columnType, DefaultValue) Object Adds a new columns with the specified name, type and default value.
Table addRow(params) Row Adds and returns the new row given an object that contains the row data.
Table addRow(list) Row Adds and returns the new row given a list of row data.
Table alterColumn(currentColumnName, newColumnName, newTypeOrNull) String Changes the column's name and/or type. Returns null on success or error message on failure. When changing the type, auto-casting will be used.
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
Table getColumnLocation(columnName) Integer Returns 0-indexed column position, or -1 if column does not exist in the table.
Table getColumnNameAt(columnPos) String Returns name of column, or null if the supplied index is outside of the column count.
Table getColumnNames() List Return a list of the names of the columns, ordered from left to right.
Table getColumnType(columnName) String Returns the type of a column, or null if column doesn't exist.
Table getColumnTypes() Map Returns a map of the name of the columns, ordered from left to right.
Table getColumnsCount() Integer Returns the number of columns in this table.
Table getRow(rowNum) Row Returns the row at the zero indexed location, or null.
Table getRows() List Return a list of rows in this table.
Table getRowsCount() Integer Returns the number of rows in this table.
Table getTitle() String Returns the title of this table, or null if no title.
Table getValue(rowNum, columnName) Object Returns the value associated with the given key and value. Returns null if column does not exist or row number is out of bounds.
Table insertRow(rowPosition, rowValueList) Object Inserts and returns a new row given its position and its row values, each as a parameter.
Table insertRow(rowPosition, values) Object Inserts and returns the new row given its position and a list of values.
Table isEqual(tableToCompare, ignoreRowOrdering, ignoreColumnOrdering) Boolean Returns the boolean flag whether two tables are considered equivalent based on the method aruments. Note that if two tables have different row counts or different schemas (column name + column type), this method will return false immediately
Table iterator() Iterator Returns an iterator of Row objects.
Table query(amiSql) Table Runs the given amisql on this table. Use 'this' to reference this table in the amisql. Returns the resulting table.
Table removeColumn(columnName) Boolean Removes a column by specifying the its name. Returns true if the table changed as a result.
Table removeRow(rowPosition) Object Removes and returns the row given its index position.
Table setTitle(titleName) Object Sets the title of this table with the given string.
Table toCsv(includeColumnNames) String Returns a comma seperated values formatter string of this table.
Table toJson() String Returns a json of this table as a list of maps, where each map represents a row in the table.
Table toList(columnName) List Return a list of values for a particular column, or null if the column does not exist. Empty tables will return an empty list.
Table toSet(columnName) Set Returns a set of values for a particular column, or null if the column does not exist. Empty tables will return an empty set.
Table toString(rowDelim, colDelim, options) String Return a string representing this table.

Method Definitions


Table table = new Table(String title)


Creates a new table given the title.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
title String  title name


Table table = new Table(String title, Map map_of_lists)


Creates a new table given the title and a map of lists.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
title String  title name
map_of_lists Map  Map of lists where key will be the column name and value is a list of values, all lists must be same length


Table table = new Table(String title, String columnsDefition)


Creates a new table given the title and the column definitions.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
title String  title name
columnsDefition String  name type,name type,name type...


Table table = new Table(Table table)


Copy constructor for creating a new table.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
table Table  table to copy


Object Table::addColumn(String columnName, String columnType, Object DefaultValue)


Adds a new columns with the specified name, type and default value.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnName String 
columnType String 
DefaultValue Object  default value for existing columns or null


Row Table::addRow(Object ... params)


Adds and returns the new row given an object that contains the row data.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
params Object ...  object that contains the data


Row Table::addRow(List list)


Adds and returns the new row given a list of row data.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
list List  list of params


String Table::alterColumn(String currentColumnName, String newColumnName, String newTypeOrNull)


Changes the column's name and/or type. Returns null on success or error message on failure. When changing the type, auto-casting will be used.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
currentColumnName String  name of existing column to alter
newColumnName String  the new name of the column
newTypeOrNull String  The type of the column, if null then the type is not changed


String Object::getClassName()


Returns the string name of this object's class type.


Integer Table::getColumnLocation(String columnName)


Returns 0-indexed column position, or -1 if column does not exist in the table.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnName String  column name


String Table::getColumnNameAt(Integer columnPos)


Returns name of column, or null if the supplied index is outside of the column count.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnPos Integer  zero column position


List Table::getColumnNames()


Return a list of the names of the columns, ordered from left to right.


String Table::getColumnType(String columnName)


Returns the type of a column, or null if column doesn't exist.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnName String  name of the column to get the type for


Map Table::getColumnTypes()


Returns a map of the name of the columns, ordered from left to right.


Integer Table::getColumnsCount()


Returns the number of columns in this table.


Row Table::getRow(Integer rowNum)


Returns the row at the zero indexed location, or null.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
rowNum Integer  zero-indexed row number, negative to start at end


List Table::getRows()


Return a list of rows in this table.


Integer Table::getRowsCount()


Returns the number of rows in this table.


String Table::getTitle()


Returns the title of this table, or null if no title.


Object Table::getValue(Integer rowNum, String columnName)


Returns the value associated with the given key and value. Returns null if column does not exist or row number is out of bounds.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
rowNum Integer  zero indexed row number
columnName String  name of column


Object Table::insertRow(Integer rowPosition, Object ... rowValueList)


Inserts and returns a new row given its position and its row values, each as a parameter.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
rowPosition Integer  0-indexed row position
rowValueList Object ...  row values, each as a parameter


Object Table::insertRow(Integer rowPosition, List values)


Inserts and returns the new row given its position and a list of values.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
rowPosition Integer  0-indexed row position
values List  a list that contains the values


Boolean Table::isEqual(Table tableToCompare, Boolean ignoreRowOrdering, Boolean ignoreColumnOrdering)


Returns the boolean flag whether two tables are considered equivalent based on the method aruments. Note that if two tables have different row counts or different schemas (column name + column type), this method will return false immediately

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
tableToCompare Table  table to compare with
ignoreRowOrdering Boolean  whether to ignore row ordering
ignoreColumnOrdering Boolean  whether to ignore column ordering


Iterator Table::iterator()


Returns an iterator of Row objects.


Table Table::query(String amiSql)


Runs the given amisql on this table. Use 'this' to reference this table in the amisql. Returns the resulting table.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
amiSql String  amiSql to run


Boolean Table::removeColumn(String columnName)


Removes a column by specifying the its name. Returns true if the table changed as a result.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnName String  name of column to remove


Object Table::removeRow(Integer rowPosition)


Removes and returns the row given its index position.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
rowPosition Integer  0-index row position


Object Table::setTitle(String titleName)


Sets the title of this table with the given string.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
titleName String  new title name


String Table::toCsv(Boolean includeColumnNames)


Returns a comma seperated values formatter string of this table.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
includeColumnNames Boolean  Should the csv's first row be the column names


String Table::toJson()


Returns a json of this table as a list of maps, where each map represents a row in the table.


List Table::toList(String columnName)


Return a list of values for a particular column, or null if the column does not exist. Empty tables will return an empty list.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnName String  name of column to get values for


Set Table::toSet(String columnName)


Returns a set of values for a particular column, or null if the column does not exist. Empty tables will return an empty set.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
columnName String  name of column to get values for


String Table::toString(String rowDelim, String colDelim, String ... options)


Return a string representing this table.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
rowDelim String  delimiter to seperate rows, default is line return
colDelim String  delimiter to seperate values, default is comma
options String ...  any combination of: INCLUDE_HEADER, INCLUDE_TYPES, INCLUDE_TITLE, SKIP_ROWS