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SpreadSheetFlexsheet var = .... ;


Extended By



Builder for generating a Spreadsheet Worksheet

Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
SpreadSheetFlexsheet constructor() SpreadSheetFlexsheet Creates an empty Flexsheet
SpreadSheetFlexsheet clearCell(dimension) Boolean Clears the specified range of cells (removes style and value)
SpreadSheetFlexsheet clearCellNamedRange(namedRange) Boolean Clears the specified named range of cells
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getFormula(dimension) String Gets the current formula for a specified cell, returns null if it does not exist
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getRawValue(dimension) Object Gets the raw value of a single cell. Note that this is the underlying excel value not what excel might compute
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getRawValueNamedRange(namedRange) Object Gets the value of a specified named range
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getRawValues(dimension, hasHeader, classes) Table Returns the raw value of the specified range of cells as a table
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getRawValuesNamedRange(namedRange, hasHeader, classes) Table Returns the raw value of the the specified named range as a table
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getStyle(dimension) Integer Gets the style id for a specified range cell, returns null if it does not exist
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getTitle() String Gets the name of the underlying sheet
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getValue(dimension) Object Gets the value of a single cell. Note that this is the underlying excel value not what excel might compute
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getValueNamedRange(namedRange) Object Gets the value of a specified named range
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getValues(dimension, hasHeader, classes) Table Returns the specified range of cells as a table
SpreadSheetFlexsheet getValuesNamedRange(namedRange, hasHeader, classes) Table Returns the specified named range as a table
SpreadSheetFlexsheet setFormula(dimensions, id) Boolean Sets the cell formula for the specified range of cells. Note that formulas do not affect the cell's value
SpreadSheetFlexsheet setStyle(dimensions, id) Boolean Sets the style id for the specified range of cells
SpreadSheetFlexsheet setTitle(title) String Sets the name of the underlying sheet
SpreadSheetFlexsheet setValue(dimensions, value) Boolean Sets the value for the specified range of cells
SpreadSheetFlexsheet setValue(dimension, value, useHeader) Boolean Sets the value for the specified range of cells using a table. Expects the top left position of the table as the input dimension
SpreadSheetFlexsheet setValueNamedRange(namedRange, value) Boolean Sets the value for the specified named range of cells
Object toJson() String Returns a string of a json representation of this object.

Method Definitions


SpreadSheetFlexsheet spreadsheetflexsheet = new SpreadSheetFlexsheet()


Creates an empty Flexsheet


Boolean SpreadSheetFlexsheet::clearCell(String dimension)


Clears the specified range of cells (removes style and value)

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Excel dimensions to be cleared (e.g. A2, or A2:C4)


Boolean SpreadSheetFlexsheet::clearCellNamedRange(String namedRange)


Clears the specified named range of cells

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
namedRange String  Excel named range to be cleared


String Object::getClassName()


Returns the string name of this object's class type.


String SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getFormula(String dimension)


Gets the current formula for a specified cell, returns null if it does not exist

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Single excel dimension to be used (e.g. A2)


Object SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getRawValue(String dimension)


Gets the raw value of a single cell. Note that this is the underlying excel value not what excel might compute

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Excel dimensions to be used (e.g. A2, or A2:C4 for a range)


Object SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getRawValueNamedRange(String namedRange)


Gets the value of a specified named range

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
namedRange String  Named excel dimensions to be used


Table SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getRawValues(String dimension, Boolean hasHeader, List classes)


Returns the raw value of the specified range of cells as a table

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Excel dimensions to be retrieved (e.g. A2:C4). Only works for ranges
hasHeader Boolean  Does the range include a table header
classes List  List of expected column class types, use null to skip, speeds up parsing by removing type deduction (Supported: "String","Boolean","Integer","Long","Float","Double")


Table SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getRawValuesNamedRange(String namedRange, Boolean hasHeader, List classes)


Returns the raw value of the the specified named range as a table

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
namedRange String  Named excel range to be retrieved
hasHeader Boolean  Does the range include a table header
classes List  List of expected column class types, use null to skip, speeds up parsing by removing type deduction (Supported: "String","Boolean","Integer","Long","Float","Double")


Integer SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getStyle(String dimension)


Gets the style id for a specified range cell, returns null if it does not exist

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Single excel dimension to be used (e.g. A2)


String SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getTitle()


Gets the name of the underlying sheet


Object SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getValue(String dimension)


Gets the value of a single cell. Note that this is the underlying excel value not what excel might compute

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Excel dimensions to be used (e.g. A2, or A2:C4 for a range)


Object SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getValueNamedRange(String namedRange)


Gets the value of a specified named range

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
namedRange String  Named excel dimensions to be used


Table SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getValues(String dimension, Boolean hasHeader, List classes)


Returns the specified range of cells as a table

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Excel dimensions to be retrieved (e.g. A2:C4). Only works for ranges
hasHeader Boolean  Does the range include a table header
classes List  List of expected column class types, use null to skip, speeds up parsing by removing type deduction (Supported: "String","Boolean","Integer","Long","Float","Double")


Table SpreadSheetFlexsheet::getValuesNamedRange(String namedRange, Boolean hasHeader, List classes)


Returns the specified named range as a table

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
namedRange String  Named excel range to be retrieved
hasHeader Boolean  Does the range include a table header
classes List  List of expected column class types, use null to skip, speeds up parsing by removing type deduction (Supported: "String","Boolean","Integer","Long","Float","Double")


Boolean SpreadSheetFlexsheet::setFormula(String dimensions, String id)


Sets the cell formula for the specified range of cells. Note that formulas do not affect the cell's value

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimensions String  Excel dimensions to be applied (e.g. A2, or A2:C4 for a range)
id String  Formula to be used


Boolean SpreadSheetFlexsheet::setStyle(String dimensions, Integer id)


Sets the style id for the specified range of cells

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimensions String  Excel dimensions to be applied (e.g. A2, or A2:C4 for a range)
id Integer  Style id to be set (use getStyle to retrieve an existing id)


String SpreadSheetFlexsheet::setTitle(String title)


Sets the name of the underlying sheet

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
title String  Title to be set for the sheet


Boolean SpreadSheetFlexsheet::setValue(String dimensions, Object value)


Sets the value for the specified range of cells

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimensions String  Excel dimensions to be applied (e.g. A2, or A2:C4 for a range)
value Object  Value to be set


Boolean SpreadSheetFlexsheet::setValue(String dimension, Table value, Boolean useHeader)


Sets the value for the specified range of cells using a table. Expects the top left position of the table as the input dimension

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
dimension String  Upper left excel dimension to be used (e.g. A2)
value Table  Table to be set
useHeader Boolean  Should the table's header be applied


Boolean SpreadSheetFlexsheet::setValueNamedRange(String namedRange, Object value)


Sets the value for the specified named range of cells

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
namedRange String  Named excel dimensions to be used
value Object  Value to be set


String Object::toJson()


Returns a string of a json representation of this object.