Extended By¶
Represents the session for this user's login. There is a global variable 'session' that implements a Session instance and can be used for accessing session level objects such as properties, panels, datamodels, etc.
Method Summary¶
Owner | Name | Return Type | Description |
Session | alert(alertText, closeButtonTextAndTitleText) | String | Shows alert dialog with given text. The second and third arguments are optional. Returns null. |
Session | callCommand(appId, commandId, table) | String | Calls a command (asynchronously) and returns the command uid. If the command has no route, then null is returned. See callback Layout::onAsyncCommandResponse(...) for processing the response once it's available. WARNING: If multiple commands are registered under the same appId and commandId then it will call the first |
Session | callCommand(appId, commandId, table, timeoutMillis) | String | Calls a command (asynchronously) and returns the command uid. If the command has no route, then null is returned. See callback Layout::onAsyncCommandResponse(...) for processing the response once it's available. |
Session | callCommandSync(appId, commandId, table) | CommandResponse | Calls a command synchronously, meaning do not continue execution of script until the command completes. |
Session | callCommandSync(appId, commandId, table, timeoutMillis) | CommandResponse | Calls a command synchronously with a specified timeout, meaning do not continue execution of script until the command completes. |
Session | callRpcSync(rpcRequest) | RpcResponse | Sends a request to a remote instanceof of AMI using CORS. |
Session | copyToClipboard(text) | String | Copies text to clipboard - returns result of copy |
Session | downloadToBrowser(fileName, fileData) | Boolean | Returns true if able to download file to browser, false otherwise. |
Session | downloadToBrowser(fileName, fileData) | Boolean | Returns true if able to download file to browser, false otherwise. |
Session | exec(when, amiScript) | Object | Runs script deferred. The provided script is compiled in current thread, but executed outside this call. If provided time is in the past, then the script will be executed at the earliest opportunity. This always runs on the root layout, we recommend using layout.exec(...) instead. |
Session | exportLayout() | Map | Exports the current layout to a map. |
Session | getBrowserIp() | String | Returns the current browser ip. |
Session | getBrowserTitle() | String | Returns the title shown in the browser title bar. |
Session | getBrowserZoom() | Double | Returns the Browser Zoom (1 = 100%) |
DashboardResource | getCallback(callbackName) | Callback | Returns a callback by name |
DashboardResource | getCallbacks() | Map | Returns a map of all callback definitions. |
DashboardResource | getChildren() | List | Returns a list of the child dashboard resources. |
Object | getClassName() | String | Returns the string name of this object's class type. |
Session | getCustomPreference(customPreferenceId) | Object | Returns a custom prefernce, or null if no custom preference exists for the id. |
Session | getCustomPreferenceIds() | Set | Returns a set of the existing custom preferences ids. |
DashboardResource | getDRI() | String | Returns the Dashboard Resource Indicator (DRI) as a string. DRI is the unique identifier of this resources within the entire dashboard. |
DashboardResource | getDashboardResourceType() | String | Returns the Dashboard Resource Type as a string |
Session | getDashboardStyleSet() | StyleSet | Returns the StyleSet for this panel. |
Session | getDatamodels() | List | Returns all datamodels. |
Session | getDesktopLocation() | Rectangle | Returns the location of the desktop, upper left is always zero, the width and height reflect the browser size (minus window border). |
Session | getDevTools() | DevTools | Returns the dev tools for this session, or null if account is a non-dev user. |
Session | getFileSystem() | FileSystem | Returns a FileSystem object for accessing the file system that amiweb is running on. |
DashboardResource | getFormula(formulaName) | Formula | Returns a Formula given the formula name. |
DashboardResource | getFormulaNames() | Set | Returns a set of the names of all formulas for this object. |
DashboardResource | getFormulas() | Map | Returns a map of all available formulas for this object. The key is the formula name. |
Session | getGlobalProperty(key) | String | Returns the value associated with key from this servers properties, for example a property set in file. Returns null if property does not exist. |
Session | getHostIp() | String | Returns the current host ip of the remote connection known by the ami web server. |
DashboardResource | getLRI() | String | Returns the Localized Resource Indicator (LRI) as a string. LRI is the unique identifier of this resource with the parent element. |
Session | getLabel() | String | Returns the label associated with this session. The label is visible in the 3forge_session page |
Session | getLoginId() | String | Returns the current sessionid. |
DashboardResource | getOwner() | DashboardResource | Returns the DashboardResource that owns this object. |
Session | getPanels() | List | Returns all AMI panels. |
Session | getProperty(key) | String | Returns value associated with key from this session's global properties. Returns null if key does not exist. |
Session | getRelationship(relationshipId) | Relationship | Returns the relationship for the given alias.relationshipId, or null if there is no relationship with the given id. |
Session | getRelationships() | List | Returns a list of all relationships. |
Session | getRootLayout() | Layout | Returns root layout for this dashboard. |
Session | getSessionId() | String | Returns the current sessionid. |
Session | getSsoSession() | SsoSession | Returns the sso session associated with this user session. |
Session | getStyleSet(styleSetId) | StyleSet | Returns the styleset for a given id. |
Session | getStyleSetIds() | Set | Return set of ids for all defined stylesets, including ids for predefined styles. |
Session | getStyleSets() | List | Returns a list of all stylesets, including predefined ones. |
Session | getTimeZone() | String | Returns the user's timezone Identifier, same as the global reserved variable __TIMEZONE. |
Session | getTransientIdPrefix() | String | Returns the transient id prefix |
Session | getUrl() | String | Returns the url. |
Session | getUrlParams() | Map | Returns all AMI windows as a map of ami alias dot panel id to window. |
Session | getUserPreferencesNamespace() | String | Returns the user preferences namespace set on this dashboard. |
Session | getUsername() | String | Returns the current username, which is the name used to login. |
Session | getValue(key) | Object | Returns the value associated with key from this sessions attributes. Returns null if key does not exist. |
Session | getValues() | Map | Returns a map of the values from this sessions attributes. Note, modifying the returned map will have no effect on the sessions variables. |
Session | getWindows() | List | Returns all AMI windows as a list. |
Session | getWindowsMap() | Map | Returns all AMI windows as a map of ami alias dot panel id to window. |
Session | importDatamodel(dmConfig) | Datamodel | Imports a datamodel. |
Session | importWindow(windowName, panelConfig) | Boolean | Imports a new Window. |
DashboardResource | invokeCallback(callbackName, args) | Object | Executes the specified callback definition and returns the result from the callback. |
Session | isFeedSnapshotProcessed(type) | Boolean | Returns true if the snapshot has been processed from ALL centers for the supplied type. |
Session | isHttpsConnection() | Boolean | Returns true if the browser is connected over https (instead of http). |
DashboardResource | isTransient() | Boolean | Returns true if this is transient, false otherwise. Transient objects are not saved to the layout. |
Session | loadLayout(layoutName, layoutConfig) | Boolean | Loads a layout from a json configuration, see exportConfig(). |
Session | loadUserPreferences(userPreferences) | String | Loads the user preferences. |
Session | loadUserPreferences() | Boolean | Loads the user preferences. Same as Account > Load Preferences. Returns false if User Namespace is not set |
Session | log(message, additionalMessages) | String | Logs user description followed by dash dash and then a concatenation of supplied arguments to AMISCRIPT logger. Returns message logged. |
Session | logout() | String | Ends this users session and logs the user out of all sessions. NOTE: If user is a developer, then follows Account -> My Developer Settings -> On Automated Logout settings. |
Session | notify(title, body, imageurl, options, attachment) | String | Displays a notification to the user in the task tray. When the user clicks on the notification the Layout::onNotificationHandled(...) is called. Returns a unique id representing the notification. |
Session | now() | UTC | Returns the current time in milliseconds since unix epoch. |
Session | nowNano() | UTCN | Returns the current time in nanoseconds since unix epoch. |
Session | openWindowURL(url, percentSizeOfMainWndow, windowName, customFeatures) | Object | Opens a new Window with the url, size, name, and custom features specified. |
Session | playAudio(audiourl) | Object | Plays audio, specified by the url. |
Session | prompt(alertText, title, buttons) | String | Shows a dialog with given text and title, along with a list of buttons to choose from. Return blocks until user chooses a button, returns whichever button was pressed, or null if the user closed the dialog. |
Session | putCustomPreference(customPreferenceId, PreferencesOrNull) | Object | Sets the custom preferences by id, if preferencesOrNull is null then existing preferences are removed. |
Session | saveUserPreferences() | Boolean | Saves the user preferences. Same as Account > Save Preferences. Returns false if User Namespace is not set |
Session | sendEmail(fromAddress, toAddresses, subject, isHtml, body, attachmentNames, attachmentDatas, optionalUsername, optionalPassword) | String | Sends an email and returns immediately with the email-send-UID. |
Session | sendEmail(fromAddress, toAddresses, subject, isHtml, body, attachmentNames, attachmentDatas, optionalUsername, optionalPassword, optionalRelayId) | String | Sends an email and returns immediately with the email-send-UID. |
Session | sendEmailSync(fromAddress, toAddresses, subject, isHtml, body, attachmentNames, attachmentDatas, optionalUsername, optionalPassword) | String | Sends an email and returns with the email result. |
Session | sendEmailSync(fromAddress, toAddresses, subject, isHtml, body, attachmentNames, attachmentDatas, optionalUsername, optionalPassword, optionalRelayId) | String | Sends an email and returns with the email result. |
Session | setBrowserTitle(title) | Object | Sets the title shown in the browser title bar. If supplied title is null or blank, sets back to default. |
Session | setLabel(label) | Object | Set the label associated with this session. The label is visible in the 3forge_session page |
Session | setUrlParams(url_params) | Object | Rewrite the browser's current URL parameters. Note, the LAYOUT param can NOT be modifed using this method and will be ignored if supplied. Also, this will not cause the onUrlParams callback to be fired |
Session | setValue(key, value) | Boolean | Sets the key value pair to this session's attributes and returns true if successful. |
Object | toJson() | String | Returns a string of a json representation of this object. |
Session | warn(message, additionalMessages) | String | Logs at warning level the user description followed by dash dash and then a concatenation of supplied arguments to AMISCRIPT logger. Returns message logged. |
Method Definitions¶
String Session::alert(Object alertText, Object ... closeButtonTextAndTitleText)
Shows alert dialog with given text. The second and third arguments are optional. Returns null.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
alertText | Object | The text content of the alert |
closeButtonTextAndTitleText | Object ... | the text for the close button. Defaults to "Close". the text for the title (top left). Defaults to "MESSAGE". |
String Session::callCommand(String appId, String commandId, Table table)
Calls a command (asynchronously) and returns the command uid. If the command has no route, then null is returned. See callback Layout::onAsyncCommandResponse(...) for processing the response once it's available. WARNING: If multiple commands are registered under the same appId and commandId then it will call the first
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
appId | String | |
commandId | String | |
table | Table |
String Session::callCommand(String appId, String commandId, Table table, Number timeoutMillis)
Calls a command (asynchronously) and returns the command uid. If the command has no route, then null is returned. See callback Layout::onAsyncCommandResponse(...) for processing the response once it's available.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
appId | String | |
commandId | String | |
table | Table | |
timeoutMillis | Number |
CommandResponse Session::callCommandSync(String appId, String commandId, Table table)
Calls a command synchronously, meaning do not continue execution of script until the command completes.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
appId | String | |
commandId | String | |
table | Table |
CommandResponse Session::callCommandSync(String appId, String commandId, Table table, Number timeoutMillis)
Calls a command synchronously with a specified timeout, meaning do not continue execution of script until the command completes.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
appId | String | |
commandId | String | |
table | Table | |
timeoutMillis | Number |
RpcResponse Session::callRpcSync(RpcRequest rpcRequest)
Sends a request to a remote instanceof of AMI using CORS.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
rpcRequest | RpcRequest |
String Session::copyToClipboard(String text)
Copies text to clipboard - returns result of copy
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
text | String |
Boolean Session::downloadToBrowser(String fileName, Binary fileData)
Returns true if able to download file to browser, false otherwise.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
fileName | String | the name of the file |
fileData | Binary | the content of the file |
Boolean Session::downloadToBrowser(String fileName, String fileData)
Returns true if able to download file to browser, false otherwise.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
fileName | String | the name of the file |
fileData | String | the content of the file |
Object Session::exec(Number when, String amiScript)
Runs script deferred. The provided script is compiled in current thread, but executed outside this call. If provided time is in the past, then the script will be executed at the earliest opportunity. This always runs on the root layout, we recommend using layout.exec(...) instead.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
when | Number | time - negative number is milliseconds in the future from now, zero or positive number is absolute time in millis. |
amiScript | String | Script to execute |
Exports the current layout to a map.
String Session::getBrowserIp()
Returns the current browser ip.
String Session::getBrowserTitle()
Returns the title shown in the browser title bar.
Double Session::getBrowserZoom()
Returns the Browser Zoom (1 = 100%)
Callback DashboardResource::getCallback(String callbackName)
Returns a callback by name
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
callbackName | String | method name of callback |
Map DashboardResource::getCallbacks()
Returns a map of all callback definitions.
List DashboardResource::getChildren()
Returns a list of the child dashboard resources.
Returns the string name of this object's class type.
Object Session::getCustomPreference(String customPreferenceId)
Returns a custom prefernce, or null if no custom preference exists for the id.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
customPreferenceId | String |
Set Session::getCustomPreferenceIds()
Returns a set of the existing custom preferences ids.
String DashboardResource::getDRI()
Returns the Dashboard Resource Indicator (DRI) as a string. DRI is the unique identifier of this resources within the entire dashboard.
String DashboardResource::getDashboardResourceType()
Returns the Dashboard Resource Type as a string
StyleSet Session::getDashboardStyleSet()
Returns the StyleSet for this panel.
Returns all datamodels.
Rectangle Session::getDesktopLocation()
Returns the location of the desktop, upper left is always zero, the width and height reflect the browser size (minus window border).
DevTools Session::getDevTools()
Returns the dev tools for this session, or null if account is a non-dev user.
FileSystem Session::getFileSystem()
Returns a FileSystem object for accessing the file system that amiweb is running on.
Formula DashboardResource::getFormula(String formulaName)
Returns a Formula given the formula name.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
formulaName | String | name of the formula to return |
Set DashboardResource::getFormulaNames()
Returns a set of the names of all formulas for this object.
Map DashboardResource::getFormulas()
Returns a map of all available formulas for this object. The key is the formula name.
String Session::getGlobalProperty(String key)
Returns the value associated with key from this servers properties, for example a property set in file. Returns null if property does not exist.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
key | String |
Returns the current host ip of the remote connection known by the ami web server.
String DashboardResource::getLRI()
Returns the Localized Resource Indicator (LRI) as a string. LRI is the unique identifier of this resource with the parent element.
Returns the label associated with this session. The label is visible in the 3forge_session page
Returns the current sessionid.
DashboardResource DashboardResource::getOwner()
Returns the DashboardResource that owns this object.
Returns all AMI panels.
String Session::getProperty(String key)
Returns value associated with key from this session's global properties. Returns null if key does not exist.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
key | String |
Relationship Session::getRelationship(String relationshipId)
Returns the relationship for the given alias.relationshipId, or null if there is no relationship with the given id.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
relationshipId | String | id of the relationship |
List Session::getRelationships()
Returns a list of all relationships.
Layout Session::getRootLayout()
Returns root layout for this dashboard.
String Session::getSessionId()
Returns the current sessionid.
SsoSession Session::getSsoSession()
Returns the sso session associated with this user session.
StyleSet Session::getStyleSet(String styleSetId)
Returns the styleset for a given id.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
styleSetId | String | Id of the styleSet to return |
Return set of ids for all defined stylesets, including ids for predefined styles.
Returns a list of all stylesets, including predefined ones.
Returns the user's timezone Identifier, same as the global reserved variable __TIMEZONE.
String Session::getTransientIdPrefix()
Returns the transient id prefix
Returns the url.
Returns all AMI windows as a map of ami alias dot panel id to window.
String Session::getUserPreferencesNamespace()
Returns the user preferences namespace set on this dashboard.
Returns the current username, which is the name used to login.
Object Session::getValue(String key)
Returns the value associated with key from this sessions attributes. Returns null if key does not exist.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
key | String |
Returns a map of the values from this sessions attributes. Note, modifying the returned map will have no effect on the sessions variables.
Returns all AMI windows as a list.
Returns all AMI windows as a map of ami alias dot panel id to window.
Datamodel Session::importDatamodel(Map dmConfig)
Imports a datamodel.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
dmConfig | Map |
Boolean Session::importWindow(String windowName, Map panelConfig)
Imports a new Window.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
windowName | String | |
panelConfig | Map |
Object DashboardResource::invokeCallback(String callbackName, Object ... args)
Executes the specified callback definition and returns the result from the callback.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
callbackName | String | method name of callback |
args | Object ... | arguments |
Boolean Session::isFeedSnapshotProcessed(String type)
Returns true if the snapshot has been processed from ALL centers for the supplied type.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
type | String | type, aka Table name |
Boolean Session::isHttpsConnection()
Returns true if the browser is connected over https (instead of http).
Boolean DashboardResource::isTransient()
Returns true if this is transient, false otherwise. Transient objects are not saved to the layout.
Boolean Session::loadLayout(String layoutName, Map layoutConfig)
Loads a layout from a json configuration, see exportConfig().
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
layoutName | String | |
layoutConfig | Map |
String Session::loadUserPreferences(String userPreferences)
Loads the user preferences.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
userPreferences | String | user preferences. User preferences format follows the exported user preferences. |
Boolean Session::loadUserPreferences()
Loads the user preferences. Same as Account > Load Preferences. Returns false if User Namespace is not set
String Session::log(Object message, Object ... additionalMessages)
Logs user description followed by dash dash and then a concatenation of supplied arguments to AMISCRIPT logger. Returns message logged.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
message | Object | |
additionalMessages | Object ... |
Ends this users session and logs the user out of all sessions. NOTE: If user is a developer, then follows Account -> My Developer Settings -> On Automated Logout settings.
String Session::notify(String title, String body, String imageurl, Map options, Map attachment)
Displays a notification to the user in the task tray. When the user clicks on the notification the Layout::onNotificationHandled(...) is called. Returns a unique id representing the notification.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
title | String | title of the notification |
body | String | html body of the notification |
imageurl | String | the url of the image (icon) |
options | Map | |
attachment | Map | an attachment to be included in the callback (passed into 3rd param of Layout::onNotificationHandled) |
Returns the current time in milliseconds since unix epoch.
Returns the current time in nanoseconds since unix epoch.
Object Session::openWindowURL(String url, Double percentSizeOfMainWndow, String windowName, String customFeatures)
Opens a new Window with the url, size, name, and custom features specified.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
url | String | required url of target window |
percentSizeOfMainWndow | Double | optional percentSizeOfWindow - valid values are 0.1 - 1.0, null creates new tab |
windowName | String | optional name of window, _blank by default |
customFeatures | String | optional windowFeatures - see javascript |
Object Session::playAudio(String audiourl)
Plays audio, specified by the url.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
audiourl | String | the url of the audio clip to play |
String Session::prompt(Object alertText, String title, List ... buttons)
Shows a dialog with given text and title, along with a list of buttons to choose from. Return blocks until user chooses a button, returns whichever button was pressed, or null if the user closed the dialog.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
alertText | Object | |
title | String | |
buttons | List ... |
Object Session::putCustomPreference(String customPreferenceId, Object PreferencesOrNull)
Sets the custom preferences by id, if preferencesOrNull is null then existing preferences are removed.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
customPreferenceId | String | |
PreferencesOrNull | Object |
Boolean Session::saveUserPreferences()
Saves the user preferences. Same as Account > Save Preferences. Returns false if User Namespace is not set
String Session::sendEmail(String fromAddress, List toAddresses, String subject, Boolean isHtml, String body, List attachmentNames, List attachmentDatas, String optionalUsername, String optionalPassword)
Sends an email and returns immediately with the email-send-UID.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
fromAddress | String | From Address |
toAddresses | List | List addresses to send email to |
subject | String | Email Subject |
isHtml | Boolean | true=email,false=text |
body | String | Body |
attachmentNames | List | Optional List of Attachment Names |
attachmentDatas | List | Optional List of Attachment data, either Bytes or Strings |
optionalUsername | String | Optional username to connect to smtp server with |
optionalPassword | String | Optional password to connect o smtp server with |
String Session::sendEmail(String fromAddress, List toAddresses, String subject, Boolean isHtml, String body, List attachmentNames, List attachmentDatas, String optionalUsername, String optionalPassword, String optionalRelayId)
Sends an email and returns immediately with the email-send-UID.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
fromAddress | String | From Address |
toAddresses | List | List addresses to send email to |
subject | String | Email Subject |
isHtml | Boolean | true=email,false=text |
body | String | Body |
attachmentNames | List | Optional List of Attachment Names |
attachmentDatas | List | Optional List of Attachment data, either Bytes or Strings |
optionalUsername | String | Optional username to connect to smtp server with |
optionalPassword | String | Optional password to connect o smtp server with |
optionalRelayId | String | relayId of relay to use for sending email, use a comma delimited list to denote primary, secondary, etc |
String Session::sendEmailSync(String fromAddress, List toAddresses, String subject, Boolean isHtml, String body, List attachmentNames, List attachmentDatas, String optionalUsername, String optionalPassword)
Sends an email and returns with the email result.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
fromAddress | String | From Address |
toAddresses | List | List addresses to send email to |
subject | String | Email Subject |
isHtml | Boolean | true=email,false=text |
body | String | Body |
attachmentNames | List | Optional List of Attachment Names |
attachmentDatas | List | Optional List of Attachment data, either Bytes or Strings |
optionalUsername | String | Optional username to connect to smtp server with |
optionalPassword | String | Optional password to connect o smtp server with |
String Session::sendEmailSync(String fromAddress, List toAddresses, String subject, Boolean isHtml, String body, List attachmentNames, List attachmentDatas, String optionalUsername, String optionalPassword, String optionalRelayId)
Sends an email and returns with the email result.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
fromAddress | String | From Address |
toAddresses | List | List addresses to send email to |
subject | String | Email Subject |
isHtml | Boolean | true=email,false=text |
body | String | Body |
attachmentNames | List | Optional List of Attachment Names |
attachmentDatas | List | Optional List of Attachment data, either Bytes or Strings |
optionalUsername | String | Optional username to connect to smtp server with |
optionalPassword | String | Optional password to connect o smtp server with |
optionalRelayId | String | relayId of relay to use for sending email, use a comma delimited list to denote primary, secondary, etc |
Object Session::setBrowserTitle(String title)
Sets the title shown in the browser title bar. If supplied title is null or blank, sets back to default.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
title | String |
Object Session::setLabel(String label)
Set the label associated with this session. The label is visible in the 3forge_session page
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
label | String | label for this session |
Object Session::setUrlParams(Map url_params)
Rewrite the browser's current URL parameters. Note, the LAYOUT param can NOT be modifed using this method and will be ignored if supplied. Also, this will not cause the onUrlParams callback to be fired
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
url_params | Map | Url Parameters |
Boolean Session::setValue(String key, Object value)
Sets the key value pair to this session's attributes and returns true if successful.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
key | String | |
value | Object |
Returns a string of a json representation of this object.
String Session::warn(Object message, Object ... additionalMessages)
Logs at warning level the user description followed by dash dash and then a concatenation of supplied arguments to AMISCRIPT logger. Returns message logged.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
message | Object | |
additionalMessages | Object ... |