Extended By¶
An ordered collection of data used for random access based on position. Entries are stored in the order added (Backed by Java ArrayList)
Method Summary¶
Owner | Name | Return Type | Description |
List | constructor(list_elements) | Object | Initialize a list with specified elements |
List | add(values) | Object | Adds the values to the end of the list. |
Collection | addAll(valuesToAdd) | Object | adds all elements to this collection |
List | batch(batchSize) | List | Divides the list into batches (a list of lists), based on the supplied batch size. For example, a list of 13 elements batched using 5 would result in a list of three lists, first list containing elements 1..5, a second list of elements 6..10 and the final third list containing the remaining elements 11..13. |
Collection | clear() | Boolean | Removes all elements in this collection. Returns true if this operation removed at least 1 element, returns false if it was empty |
List | contains(value) | Boolean | Returns true if the element is in the list. |
List | get(index) | Object | Returns the value at the supplied index or null if index is null, or out of bound. |
Object | getClassName() | String | Returns the string name of this object's class type. |
List | indexOf(value) | Integer | Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element is in this list, returns -1 if no such index exists. |
Iterable | iterator() | Iterator | Returns an iterator over this containers objects |
List | jsonPath(jsonPath) | Object | returns the json at the path, null string is this object, use dot to delimit path |
List | remove(index) | Object | Removes the value at the index. Returns the removed element. |
List | set(index, element) | Object | Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element. Returns the replaced element. |
Collection | size() | Integer | Returns the size of this collection |
Collection | sort() | List | Returns a list with the specified collection sorted according the elements' natural ordering. This sort is guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will not be reordered as a result of the sort |
List | splice(index, howmany, values) | Integer | Inserts, deletes or replaces items in this list. Returns ths size of the resulting list. |
Object | toJson() | String | Returns a json representation of this object. |
Method Definitions¶
List list = new List(Object ... list_elements)
Initialize a list with specified elements
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
list_elements | Object ... | Element to be added in list construction |
Example 1¶
Example 2¶
Object List::add(Object ... values)
Adds the values to the end of the list.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
values | Object ... | ordered list of values |
Example 1¶
This runs correctly!
Example 2¶
Object Collection::addAll(Iterable valuesToAdd)
adds all elements to this collection
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
valuesToAdd | Iterable | the values to add to this collection |
Example 1¶
List List::batch(Integer batchSize)
Divides the list into batches (a list of lists), based on the supplied batch size. For example, a list of 13 elements batched using 5 would result in a list of three lists, first list containing elements 1..5, a second list of elements 6..10 and the final third list containing the remaining elements 11..13.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
batchSize | Integer | the maximum size of each batch |
Boolean Collection::clear()
Removes all elements in this collection. Returns true if this operation removed at least 1 element, returns false if it was empty
Boolean List::contains(Object value)
Returns true if the element is in the list.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
value | Object | element |
Object List::get(Integer index)
Returns the value at the supplied index or null if index is null, or out of bound.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
index | Integer | zero based index |
Returns the string name of this object's class type.
Integer List::indexOf(Object value)
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element is in this list, returns -1 if no such index exists.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
value | Object | element |
Returns an iterator over this containers objects
Object List::jsonPath(String jsonPath)
returns the json at the path, null string is this object, use dot to delimit path
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
jsonPath | String | dot(.) delimited path |
Object List::remove(Integer index)
Removes the value at the index. Returns the removed element.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
index | Integer | position of value to remove |
Object List::set(Integer index, Object element)
Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element. Returns the replaced element.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
index | Integer | position |
element | Object | value |
Integer Collection::size()
Returns the size of this collection
List Collection::sort()
Returns a list with the specified collection sorted according the elements' natural ordering. This sort is guaranteed to be stable: equal elements will not be reordered as a result of the sort
Integer List::splice(Integer index, Integer howmany, Object ... values)
Inserts, deletes or replaces items in this list. Returns ths size of the resulting list.
Parameter Definition¶
Name | Type | Description |
index | Integer | zero based index |
howmany | Integer | number of items to replace |
values | Object ... | values to use in replacement |
Returns a json representation of this object.