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Layout var = .... ;


Extended By


Method Summary

Owner Name Return Type Description
Layout exec(when, amiScript) Object Runs script deferred. The provided script is compiled in the current thread, but executed outside this call. If provided time is in the past, will execute at earliest opportunity. Note, within the script 'this' refers to the current layout.
Layout exec(amiScript) Object Runs script inline. The provided script is compiled and executed in current thread. Note, within the script 'this' refers to the current layout.
Layout exec(when, amiScript, timeout, limit, defaultDs) Object Runs script deferred. The provided script is compiled in the current thread, but executed outside this call. If provided time is in the past, will execute at earliest opportunity. Note, within the script 'this' refers to the current layout.
Layout exportUserPreferences() List Exports all the user preferences associated with the layout.
Layout exportUserPreferencesById(upid) Map Exports user preferences associated with the upid (User Preferences Id).
Layout getAlias() String Returns the alias (name) of this layout instance (relative to the parent alias). Will be empty string if it is the root (top-level) layout.
DashboardResource getCallback(callbackName) Callback Returns a callback by name
DashboardResource getCallbacks() Map Returns a map of all callback definitions.
Layout getChild(alias) Layout Returns the child layout of this layout based on the relative alias (name), or null if no child alias exists with the given name
Layout getChildAliases() Set Returns the relative alias (name) of child layouts of this layout.
DashboardResource getChildren() List Returns a list of the child dashboard resources.
Object getClassName() String Returns the string name of this object's class type.
DashboardResource getDRI() String Returns the Dashboard Resource Indicator (DRI) as a string. DRI is the unique identifier of this resources within the entire dashboard.
DashboardResource getDashboardResourceType() String Returns the Dashboard Resource Type as a string
Layout getDatamodel(datamodelId) Datamodel Returns the datamodel given its name, or null if not found.
Layout getFieldValue(formPanelId, fieldId) String Returns the value from a form. Returns null if form or field doesn't exist.
DashboardResource getFormula(formulaName) Formula Returns a Formula given the formula name.
DashboardResource getFormulaNames() Set Returns a set of the names of all formulas for this object.
DashboardResource getFormulas() Map Returns a map of all available formulas for this object. The key is the formula name.
Layout getFullAlias() String Returns the full alias (name) of this layout instance. Will be empty string if it is the root (top-level) layout.
DashboardResource getLRI() String Returns the Localized Resource Indicator (LRI) as a string. LRI is the unique identifier of this resource with the parent element.
DashboardResource getOwner() DashboardResource Returns the DashboardResource that owns this object.
Layout getPanel(panelId) Panel Returns the panel for the given the panel id, or null if not found.
Layout getParent() Layout Returns the parent layout of this layout, or null if this is the root (top-level) layout.
Layout getProcessor(processorId) Processor Returns the processor given the processorId, or null if not found.
Layout getRelationship(relationshipId) Relationship Returns the relationship given the relationshipId, or null if there is no relationship with the given id.
Layout getStorageLocation() String Returns the location of this layout, usually the file name.
Layout getStorageType() String Returns the storage type, which is either CLOUD, LOCAL, ABSOLUTE, or WORKSPACE.
DashboardResource invokeCallback(callbackName, args) Object Executes the specified callback definition and returns the result from the callback.
Layout isReadonly() Boolean Returns true if the layout is read-only, false otherwise.
Layout isRelative() Boolean Returns true if path is relative, false otherwise.
DashboardResource isTransient() Boolean Returns true if this is transient, false otherwise. Transient objects are not saved to the layout.
Object toJson() String Returns a string of a json representation of this object.

Method Definitions


Object Layout::exec(Number when, String amiScript)


Runs script deferred. The provided script is compiled in the current thread, but executed outside this call. If provided time is in the past, will execute at earliest opportunity. Note, within the script 'this' refers to the current layout.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
when Number  time - negative number is milliseconds in the future from now, zero or positive number is absolute time in millis.
amiScript String  Script to execute


Object Layout::exec(String amiScript)


Runs script inline. The provided script is compiled and executed in current thread. Note, within the script 'this' refers to the current layout.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
amiScript String  Script to execute


Object Layout::exec(Number when, String amiScript, Integer timeout, Integer limit, String defaultDs)


Runs script deferred. The provided script is compiled in the current thread, but executed outside this call. If provided time is in the past, will execute at earliest opportunity. Note, within the script 'this' refers to the current layout.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
when Number  time - negative number is milliseconds in the future from now, zero or positive number is absolute time in millis.
amiScript String  Script to execute
timeout Integer 
limit Integer 
defaultDs String  default datasource


List Layout::exportUserPreferences()


Exports all the user preferences associated with the layout.


Map Layout::exportUserPreferencesById(String upid)


Exports user preferences associated with the upid (User Preferences Id).

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
upid String  user preferences id


String Layout::getAlias()


Returns the alias (name) of this layout instance (relative to the parent alias). Will be empty string if it is the root (top-level) layout.


Callback DashboardResource::getCallback(String callbackName)


Returns a callback by name

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
callbackName String  method name of callback


Map DashboardResource::getCallbacks()


Returns a map of all callback definitions.


Layout Layout::getChild(String alias)


Returns the child layout of this layout based on the relative alias (name), or null if no child alias exists with the given name

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
alias String  alias of the child relative to this layout


Set Layout::getChildAliases()


Returns the relative alias (name) of child layouts of this layout.


List DashboardResource::getChildren()


Returns a list of the child dashboard resources.


String Object::getClassName()


Returns the string name of this object's class type.


String DashboardResource::getDRI()


Returns the Dashboard Resource Indicator (DRI) as a string. DRI is the unique identifier of this resources within the entire dashboard.


String DashboardResource::getDashboardResourceType()


Returns the Dashboard Resource Type as a string


Datamodel Layout::getDatamodel(String datamodelId)


Returns the datamodel given its name, or null if not found.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
datamodelId String  id of the datamodel


String Layout::getFieldValue(String formPanelId, Object fieldId)


Returns the value from a form. Returns null if form or field doesn't exist.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
formPanelId String 
fieldId Object 


Formula DashboardResource::getFormula(String formulaName)


Returns a Formula given the formula name.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
formulaName String  name of the formula to return


Set DashboardResource::getFormulaNames()


Returns a set of the names of all formulas for this object.


Map DashboardResource::getFormulas()


Returns a map of all available formulas for this object. The key is the formula name.


String Layout::getFullAlias()


Returns the full alias (name) of this layout instance. Will be empty string if it is the root (top-level) layout.


String DashboardResource::getLRI()


Returns the Localized Resource Indicator (LRI) as a string. LRI is the unique identifier of this resource with the parent element.


DashboardResource DashboardResource::getOwner()


Returns the DashboardResource that owns this object.


Panel Layout::getPanel(String panelId)


Returns the panel for the given the panel id, or null if not found.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
panelId String  id of the panel to return


Layout Layout::getParent()


Returns the parent layout of this layout, or null if this is the root (top-level) layout.


Processor Layout::getProcessor(String processorId)


Returns the processor given the processorId, or null if not found.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
processorId String  id of the processor to return


Relationship Layout::getRelationship(String relationshipId)


Returns the relationship given the relationshipId, or null if there is no relationship with the given id.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
relationshipId String  id of the relationship


String Layout::getStorageLocation()


Returns the location of this layout, usually the file name.


String Layout::getStorageType()


Returns the storage type, which is either CLOUD, LOCAL, ABSOLUTE, or WORKSPACE.


Object DashboardResource::invokeCallback(String callbackName, Object ... args)


Executes the specified callback definition and returns the result from the callback.

Parameter Definition

Name Type Description
callbackName String  method name of callback
args Object ...  arguments


Boolean Layout::isReadonly()


Returns true if the layout is read-only, false otherwise.


Boolean Layout::isRelative()


Returns true if path is relative, false otherwise.


Boolean DashboardResource::isTransient()


Returns true if this is transient, false otherwise. Transient objects are not saved to the layout.


String Object::toJson()


Returns a string of a json representation of this object.